"The Lost Reindeer" Discussion **SPOILERS**

When a man is found murdered at an elaborate holiday party complete with real snow and live reindeer, the CSI team is brought in to investigate.

David Alpay (Ryan Bonham)
David Ury (Jayson Walt)
Patrick Kilpatrick (Gary Lee Walt)
Scot Zeller (Brad Fante)
Jadon Wells (Blake Bonham)
Alexis Krause (Rachel Walker)
Joshua Kwak (Fred Larkin)
Rachelle Wells (Eva Bonham)

DIRECTED BY: Frank Waldeck
WRITTEN BY: Gavin Harris
Where do they have spare reindeer in Nevada? Up in the Great Basin?

OK episode...not great, not worth calling home about.
It was a decent episode. Nice to see a Christmas epside for a change. I would have liked to have seen what Nick and Russell got from their Secret Santas, and I would have liked to have known who Finn's was. Loved when Nick opened up Doc's present - loved his expression.
It was a decent episode. Nice to see a Christmas epside for a change. I would have liked to have seen what Nick and Russell got from their Secret Santas, and I would have liked to have known who Finn's was. Loved when Nick opened up Doc's present - loved his expression.
Same here! Nick probably got Cowboys gear and maybe Finn bought Russell a book on the Dali Lama or some esoteric topic. I personally think Nick had Finn and having sisters he has been educated on jewelry. ;-D
Decent episode but nothing to write home about.
Sara would have been great in this episode,especially in dealing with the little boy that has just lost both of his parents in different ways.
I thought it was a good episode. I'm glad that Sara wasn't in it ( though it would have been nice to have her there for the Christmas party); just for the reason,
that we got to see a side of Hodges that I don't think would have ever seen.
I think that Nick was Julie's secret Santa.
I thought it was horrible. Very uninteresting and rather ridiculous at parts. Only thing I liked was the reindeer in the beginning.
Please don't ever make another holiday special episode.
I liked the episode. I think I liked it because it actually had more forensics work than some episodes do. It wasn't great but it was not horrible.
I watched with little interest, perhaps because my mind was drifting somewhere that I forgot how it ended. So, the guy killed someone in the Santa suit, thinking he's after someone else?? Did he kill 'Santa' in a way to get to what someone wanted transplanted into him? So, the killer is related to the person needed the transplant, and the killer was the one threatened to be fed into that wood chipper? As I said, I wasn't fully paying attention.

As for Sara not being in it, I'm starting to question if Jorja is somehow losing interest in being in the show. I'd truly hate to think that.