The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Nah, just me trying to be tactful at 3:20 am. I really shouldn't; it's not my strong suit.
Seems to me like you did just fine. Definitely calmed me down! I was fuming... could ya tell? ;)

Now back to that belly button! :D Dang it, we really do need a shower scene! :p
In that case, I'll leave you guys with this parting shot for I'm going to bed.

I believe if pictures serve correct, he's got an innie.
No, I dont mean the smile, although it is killer, I just mean his teeth. They're like, perfect. I cannot stop staring at them when I watch NY, or see him in a picture.
:lol: ok, must think about the belly button and then i´ll inform you ´bout my deep, profound thought concerning that :D

aw, don´t be like that obsession_360, it´s all just fun and games. and i agree with udjat; we don´t know that much ´bout him so no sense in talking ´bout personality etc. we really don´t have the intention to trash anyone or anything here. it´s all just fun!
or would you rather have us go stalkerish and talk ´bout what he ate last night, what girl he dated last or...whatever! i really don´t like talks like those; stupid gossip!
this is just a place to hang out with people that happen to share some of the same interest and it´s just plain chit-chat; fun! :)

ok, now lets get back to that :D

teeth? yes! i like those nice pearly whites. very much indeed :D
His cheeks? :lol: Now that's a first! But erm... which set of cheeks are you talking about exactly? :devil: Just making sure we're talking 'bout the same thing here! :)

cheeks... on his face! lol. they're so chubby and i feel like squeezing them (don't you all go think dirty now!).

lol i'm surprised no one has commented on his cheeks! i like his cheeks since i first saw him. lol. weird i know.
his teeth are hot, they're very straight. I wonder if he had to have braces when he was younger or if they are naturally like that?

^ i agree, i do like his cheeks. I think its his whole face though. He's very handsome. :D
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