The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^Oh my, seems you're having the same problems I'm having. It's getting harder by the minute trying to focus on my work, coz every time I check out the Locker Room, you guys take it one step further! :D

And please, do fanfic all them dirrrrty thoughts... I will be the first in line to read them! :devil:
:lol: The locker room should take us all into a realm where work, boyfriends/husbands, and censorship didn't exist.

Sadly, there's just no escaping any of them!
Ever tried Muse Land?
You get called a split personality psycho most of the time but its worth it just to escape to a land where anything goes :lol:
Well its not really a place its... *is dragged into the corner by her two muses* *whispers with them* *hits both of them*

Okay, close your eyes and think long and hard until you hear another voice in your head. When you open your eyes you should find a muse catalogue in front of you.

Order a muse and have a little fun.

I used to have a duck muse called Dylan before I traded in for two human male muses. I take my muses very seriously :lol:

I'm not crazy. I just hear two male voices in my head 24 hours a day along with my own :rolleyes:
Danny tied up with his own tie, completely naked? Yeah, that's really hot, whatever the setting...the lab, a desk, his bed... :devil: I bet Danny would be very vocal about it, too. :lol: I can't say any more because the Meter is glaring at me. ;) But Danny naked and tied to a bed with his own nice dress tie is a beautiful image. :devil:
I like him best when:
1. He's all fired up in the interregation room
Yeah! Wouldn't I like to be the one being interrogated! What was that you told me the other night, Tala? That if he leaned across the table all fired up, you'd jump him?! My thoughts exactly!
2. His glasses come off
Naw. I prefer geeky Danny. I like making the good-boy types into the naughty ones! :devil:
3. He's being a wise-ass
Ya think?! Oooh! HOT!
4. When Mac catches him by surprise in the lab
Yeah, and his eyes get big! He's so adorable!

We really are best friends, aren't we, Tala?!

*lines up drool buckets
I watched the Miami/NY crossover episode on Livingtv this week end and in this one, Danny wears a tie and I thought "Damn, he just looks so good!" I can't remember him wearing ties in subsequent episodes.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Danny with a tie was very nice! Though it wouldn't stay on for long if I got my hands on him :devil:
Danny tied up with his own tie, completely naked? Yeah, that's really hot, whatever the setting...the lab, a desk, his bed... :devil: I bet Danny would be very vocal about it, too. :lol: I can't say any more because the Meter is glaring at me. ;) But Danny naked and tied to a bed with his own nice dress tie is a beautiful image. :devil:

ok so anything after reading these posts anything i have to say would totally be censored!

as to the above Top that would totally be hot!! :devil:
OMG...I nearly had a [CENSORED] when I thought about Danny: naked in bed reading, reaching inside his labcoat and pants to handle some commando bliss, being tied up with his own tie! Damn! I'm gonna be having that "perma-smile" at work again. My customers will wonder what the hell is wrong with me!
Danny tied up with his own tie, completely naked? Yeah, that's really hot, whatever the setting...the lab, a desk, his bed... :devil: I bet Danny would be very vocal about it, too. :lol: I can't say any more because the Meter is glaring at me. ;) But Danny naked and tied to a bed with his own nice dress tie is a beautiful image. :devil:

I think I'd like him to take off his tie - and then tie me to his bed with it!! Can we have an over 18's thread???
Are you all trussing Danny up like a hog, with his own tie no less? I’ll have to protect Danny from you randy lot, he can come hide under my skirt. ;)

Heehee JDonne

I guess it can be a little daunting to read about Danny being tied up and all... but I love the idea of playing with his tie...
afterall what else could they be used for other than pulling him closer and making sure he doesn't run off ;)
Are you all trussing Danny up like a hog, with his own tie no less? I’ll have to protect Danny from you randy lot, he can come hide under my skirt. ;)


You'd protect Danny? You'd ravish him right along with the rest of us and you know it. :devil:
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