Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Nov 12, 2006 #392 David Duchovny was in Playing God with Angelina Jolie.
M meshellb2001 Lab Technician Nov 12, 2006 #393 Angelina Jolie was in Alexander with Colin Farrell Link Finished!! I give my turn to Tink
Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Nov 12, 2006 #394 Thank you very much meshellb2001. New link: Gene Kelly to Bruce Willis.
Miss_Undercover Judge Nov 12, 2006 #397 John Travolta was in Operation: Broken Arrow with Christian Slater
Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Nov 12, 2006 #398 Christian Slater was in Robin Hood with Morgan Freeman. I thought linking from Gene Kelly would make it harder, but it's a easier link than I thought. :lol:
Christian Slater was in Robin Hood with Morgan Freeman. I thought linking from Gene Kelly would make it harder, but it's a easier link than I thought. :lol:
S softballgirl22 Witness Nov 12, 2006 #401 Brad Pitt was in 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis! New Link: Clark Gable to Ewan McGregor
Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Nov 12, 2006 #402 Clark Gable was in The Misfits with Marilyn Monroe.
C Cass Police Officer Nov 12, 2006 #403 Marilyn Monroe was in Something's Got to Give with Dean Martin
M meshellb2001 Lab Technician Nov 12, 2006 #404 Dean Martin was in The Cannonball Run with Terry Bradshaw
Urban Legend Captain Nov 13, 2006 #405 Terry Bradshaw was in Failure To Launch with Matthew McConaughey.