The January Edition of CSI Music

CSI Files

<center> CSI: Miami -- "Cop Killer"
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The trend continues, except for a few remote pieces, with muted guitars and gentle ambience. While the composer's are definitely improving, they are pretty much kept to the bumpers and transitions. The one scene that stood out for me was when Ryan was taking apart the car, carefully, due to Horatio's careful/stern instruction. As with CSI's Greg during his final proficiency test, both seem to have taken a very cautious route, and the music reflects that.</p>

Now, what to do about this trend? </p><center> CSI: New York -- "ReCycling"
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Bill Brown's been busy with probably my favorite score of New York's to date. In a seemingly <font color="#FFFF00">Jeff Beal</font>-"Monk"-like theme, the episode was filled with playful instrumentals that not only helped the comedic value, but also showed how odd people can be with a CSI's eyes. From the initial investigation of the grooming room to the ending scene (which was very well scored), it provided a new light for NY which we haven't seen before. </p>

I was particularly impressed with the final scene, which I would liken along with <font color="#FFFF00">John M. Keane's</font> Grissom's Overture (available on "CSI: The Soundtrack") as seen at the end of "Friend's and Lovers" as he is riding the roller coaster. It was uplifting and hopeful, upbeat and moving, that not only kept the scene going at a strong pace, but helped us connect with the character(s) even more.</p>

If this scene and its included music didn't help convey the friendship Stella and Mac has, I'm not sure what will.

If you liked this score, you may like: <font color="#FFFF00">Jeff Beal's</font> "Monk: The Soundtrack", "CSI: The Soundtrack"
</p> </div></center><center> CSI: Crime Scene Investigation -- "Snakes"
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While this episode provided a lot of licensed music or non-score tracks, the score it did have was pretty interesting. It was a mix between Southwestern (Tex-Mex), and a latin flavor. It also had its ambient moments, especially during the flashback/reconstruction scenes. In general, the score and licensed music came together to give us a creepy episode.</p>

And who wasn't a bit disturbed by the final song, sung entirely in spanish, without a translation, during the flashbacks? Perhaps its good they didn't translate it for the non-Spanish-speaking viewers. But then, I could imagine the Spanish-speaking viewers may have been much more disturbed by this scene than anyone else. </p><center></center>
"Snakes": is there a playlist of the songs of that episode?

can i know the name of the song in CSI Lasvegas "Snake" which is played when the detectives go inside the bar and the its lines are

Yo soy malo
y no puedo negar
que desde me acuerdo
no he sido
la vieja resulto

NICK: I know my Spanish is a little rusty, but I think he just said, "She was a
liar, she wasn't who she said she was."

... Pero en cambio
le robe su vida

DET. SAM VEGA: "She stole my heart, so I stole her life."

...Otra vibora por ser...

NICK: "I met the snake ... eat a snake."

which song is this ......