The Gender Poll ~ Which are you?

What's your gender?

  • Male

    Votes: 6 5.7%
  • Female

    Votes: 99 94.3%

  • Total voters


For delightful research purposes, let's survey the gender distribution of TalkCSI.

You know your gender (hopefully). So let's get this thing going :)

Oh, and please don't be cheeky and vote for the opposite gender. There really is a point to this. ;)
Cowpats! There was supposed to be an "other" option. But it seems to have gotten lost. Ah well, all the others can just post here, or choose one of their liking. :p
The point is so mistaken.... :lol:

I always knew that the ladies >>> gentlemen. But I always wondered by how much. It's practically impossible to tell gender from usernames anyway.
You know your gender (hopefully). So let's get this thing going :)

Oh, and please don't be cheeky and vote for the opposite gender. There really is a point to this. ;)

Oh it's always fun to mess up statistics :guffaw: but I did vote correctly :)