blackflag, you are my HERO for having those caps! :adore:
I just want to say that I'm going to try to be around here waaay more! I know my twin posts every now and again, but I haven't personally in FOREVER!
I was just able to watch Lover's Lane (um, I think it was last night, lol, not a lot of sleep, my days are off.) My DVR set CSI to record on receiver 1 when it's SUPPOSED to record on 2, and my dad skipped it (how DARE he skip CSI!!!), so I was only able to record half of it. And since Natalie (the other twin) and I are hardly home at the same time, and since tends to hate us, we had to wait a little to catch first part, but it was worth the wait!
Did I read correctly!? WMTDB is up!? I really don't know why I'm excited, I haven't read FF regularly in like, what, 6 years? But to have The Love's site back is AWERESOME!!!
Goodness, I don't really know what else to post expect I love Nick and Greg! Some of my old friends probably wonder if I love them as much as always, the answer is "HECK YEAH!!!"
I'm kinda sad though, I always get the new CSI season for Christmas, but I think season 9 will have to wait a while. Oh wells. I'll get it soon.
See you all later!!!