Hi guys!
I'm Sey from germany and believe it or not, I've only just come across this board.
And the first thing I've noticed was this thread of course!
I've been a Nick/Greg Shipper ever since CSI started to air in good ol' Germany. I've always shipped.I can't think of a sngle TV show that hasn't been victim to my obsession called extreme shipping.
But usually I'd look around on the internet, look at some fanfiction and so on but the strange thing about Nick and Greg was, that it just simply hit me, right in the face.
I've watched it and I though 'Yes, they'd be great together'.
I usually ship either way, het or slash, wherever I can see the best chemistry.
ANd there is so much chemistry between thse two!
And they're both so hot!
They're even the only good thing in the German dub.
Their voice actors are the best we have IMO.
Nick has the German voice of Johnny Depp and Christian bale and James Marsters and Greg has the voice of jake Gyllenhaal.
EDIT: And I've just realized that Greg's voice actor also did Ianto in Torchwood*LOL*
My shipper heart is very happy at the moment (I've never talked to another Nick/Greg shipper, all of my friends are so annoeyed by me, they don't even dare to watch CSI with me at all)