The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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Hey guys and gurls! Sorry been away for a while- not been a good week for me. But PC is fixed!!!

Aww so fort 20 wow! 19 didnt last that long, look at us, and how our love has grown.

RE- that picture, i believe later on in the episode Nick did touch him, but i cant rememember.... Ok question time- has there been a time when Nick hasn't touched Greg? Or a season??

Good question, let me take a look at my episode guide...
Well, there's S1 Who Are You:

In S2 there is boy-touching in Caged (sorry no pic) and Stalker:

In S3 Greg touched Nick in High and Low:

Although Greg was in a bad mood, he still likes to touch his Nicky!

S4, OMG, almost forgot the ultimate boy-touching, there's Bad Words:

Nick being all proud in S5's Who Shot Sherlock (sorry, no pic)

No boy-touching in S6 it seems, but please tell me if I'm wrong and I will watch that episode again. BUT great Nicky hair!!! And the Public Declaration of Love from Nick!

S7? I don't recall any touching either and S8 I haven't watched yet.

So, yeah up until S6, there was a lot of touching from both sides.

P.S. Totally off topic but if you love Joss Whedon the way I do (and I think he's a god!) have a look at Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog (see avatar). You can find it here:
And speaking of pictures that look as if they are touching, I remember this pic I captured when watching 'Killer' on SpikeTv tonight. It appears they are holding hands (unfortunately they are not).


Remember how much we were so excited about killer because it was the first time we got to see a scene with the boys alone together in a very very long time.
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Well, well, well... fancy seeing you all here. :p How's it going everyone? Still lovin' The Love I see! Awesomesauce! So, what's the scoop? I know y'all are hoping for some sweetness between our boys next season. Keep those fingers crossed, Lovelies!!
I seriously love me some boy-touching. It's so cute, seeing as how that's the way Nicky flirts. He just has to have his hands on Greggo, but he has to keep it PG. They are at work, after all. xD
So, a question for everyone out there in Loveland ... do you think that the boys have any different hobbies that kind of clash?
I seriously love me some boy-touching. It's so cute, seeing as how that's the way Nicky flirts. He just has to have his hands on Greggo, but he has to keep it PG. They are at work, after all. xD
So, a question for everyone out there in Loveland ... do you think that the boys have any different hobbies that kind of clash?

Who doesn't love boy-touching?! :thumbsup:

Welcome back zodiac! It's been a long time.

About the hobbies. Well, honestly, I think work is pretty much consuming a huge part of their life. I can't really see them doing anything special outside that. Of course, Nick's interested in birds, maybe he likes to go bird-watching, dragging Greg along, who wouldn't be too thrilled. But just imagine, the two of them on their free day, together in the woods or at the beach "watching" for birds but ending up doing something completely different :devil:

As for Greg, he's more difficult. I think he used to go out and party a lot but since everything that happened to him and Nick and the fact that he's grown so much, I think he's content with being at home with Nick, and sometimes going out with him.

What do you think?

Wojo, it really looks like they are holding hands. Killer was really good especially for subtext and again a bragging Greg who wants Nicky to know that he's oh so experienced ;)
I seriously love me some boy-touching. It's so cute, seeing as how that's the way Nicky flirts. He just has to have his hands on Greggo, but he has to keep it PG. They are at work, after all. xD
So, a question for everyone out there in Loveland ... do you think that the boys have any different hobbies that kind of clash?

Who doesn't love boy-touching?! :thumbsup:

About the hobbies. Well, honestly, I think work is pretty much consuming a huge part of their life. I can't really see them doing anything special outside that. Of course, Nick's interested in birds, maybe he likes to go bird-watching, dragging Greg along, who wouldn't be too thrilled. But just imagine, the two of them on their free day, together in the woods or at the beach "watching" for birds but ending up doing something completely different :devil:

As for Greg, he's more difficult. I think he used to go out and party a lot but since everything that happened to him and Nick and the fact that he's grown so much, I think he's content with being at home with Nick, and sometimes going out with him.

What do you think?

^-^ I agree with everything you said. Work would definitely take up most of their time, but they do have a few hobbies out there that they like to partake in. Nick and his birds ... gah, I despise birds myself, and maybe Greg hates 'em too, who knows. But I do like the scenario you did. I could just imagine them at a bird sanctuary, and Nick's going on and on about some species of bird, and Greg's getting fed up. Finally Greg just ambushes Nick and pulls him into the bushes. Then, a few minutes later, this elderly couple comes upon them. And, without further ado, all hell breaks out. xD
I also agree that Greg seems like the partying type. Nick, eh, not so much. I think it'd be cute if Greg says no to his old friends when they ask him to hang out, and says that he'd rather just stay home with Nick. That'd be adorable! <33
Killer was also fun because Greg was talking about all the porno magazines in the desert and it always seems he brings up porno magazines when he around Nick. I think he is throwing him hints all the time when he brings them up. He says "Who brings spankables out to the desert?" So suggestive! :lol:

love_fan...I love the Dr. Horrible thing. I've always adored Nathan Fillion and NPH are so funny in it. Just saw Act II, it is great!!
Good question, let me take a look at my episode guide...
Well, there's S1 Who Are You:

In S2 there is boy-touching in Caged (sorry no pic) and Stalker:

In S3 Greg touched Nick in High and Low:

Although Greg was in a bad mood, he still likes to touch his Nicky!

S4, OMG, almost forgot the ultimate boy-touching, there's Bad Words:

Nick being all proud in S5's Who Shot Sherlock (sorry, no pic)

No boy-touching in S6 it seems, but please tell me if I'm wrong and I will watch that episode again. BUT great Nicky hair!!! And the Public Declaration of Love from Nick!

S7? I don't recall any touching either and S8 I haven't watched yet.

So, yeah up until S6, there was a lot of touching from both sides.

Thanks for this guide love_fan. My personal favourites are from High and Low (very very close:devil:) and Bad Words (blush is saying everything!).

And about hobbies. I see it just like MLC, with bushes... I really don't believe that Greggo would listen all bird stories. It's quite boring (sorry Nicky).

Greggo - yeah, parties are in his style. And Nicky doesn't mind it, really... when he can go with him too (he really can self-sacrifice:devil:) But I see them often in home, work is so exhausting... just relax together:devil:

Dizzney, very suggestive. Can it be even more?:lol:
I seriously love me some boy-touching. It's so cute, seeing as how that's the way Nicky flirts. He just has to have his hands on Greggo, but he has to keep it PG. They are at work, after all. xD
So, a question for everyone out there in Loveland ... do you think that the boys have any different hobbies that kind of clash?

boy touching... how cute a word that is lol..:drool:

Hobbies, yeah Greg's are more out there, he can or could party all night, especially when he was younger!!! and still in the lab!!!... Nick's hobbies, hmm, are more mature, he likes to make things, thats a cannon fact....

Y'all remember the time that Nick went paraglidding or whatever it was??? Just so he could get a kick???? I think that was a challenge from Greg to him.... That just seems like a Greg activity u know.

Oh yeah PDOA- can be really good or it can be a killer... Depends with whom, cause its sooo innocent, but Nick has wicked thoughts to why he is Greg touching...

Yeah Grissom told Sara? to have a life outside of solving crimes!! Even he races them insects!! and he rides roler costers!!!

Yeah Nick likes his animal documentary- and I must say so do I. One can learn a lot from the wildlife, infact, birds and animals have just as much fun as we do, they work to live, they chill out etc, but that they can't understand us and vicer versa...

Anyways, Nick would like to do something less demanding and more pleassure seaking... Bird watching (the irony in that lol), Cooking, (i personally like to eat, but not good at cooking!)

What else, i think he would even venture out to do things that Grissom might also enjoy... Ahh he also watches sports with Warrick...

Oh major sluuuuuuuuuuurrrp at those pictures... Them pictures are the love.. Look at them!!!
From the last Fort, I have to say I love the idea of Nick being proud of Greggo's genius. I can imagine him talking to other people about it just a little to be like "See, this is what I have that you don't." but in an affectionate way, of course. lol.

As for Killer, I always wondered why everyone seemed to latch onto that ep. I only saw it once and I wasn't looking for The Love back then. I'll have to wait to see it again and that's sad. Oh well.

Nathan Fillion is hilarious in that! Ah, Firefly was such a great show... but I digress. Back to The Love...

Hobbies, I don't know. Bird watching for sure. And yeah, I can agree about party Greg. Here's a thought... Since he and Greg got together or moved in together it's the first time Greg's party friends have called asking Greg if he wants to go out with them. It would be interesting to see how that would play out. Greg's on the phone, and Nick's half listening in. Greg keeps looking back and forth between the phone and Nick, unsure what to say to his friends cause he's a little torn. but finally he would say something like "guys, I think I'm in this for the long haul. I really want to be, anyway, and I just don't want to botch that up. So, I'm gonna have to say no." Of course, what Nick's not getting is just how much partying his friends actually do, cause they could be over the top, almost dangerous types, drinking too much and finding their way to the back rooms of clubs... you know? And Greg might have to explain this to Nick, how he and his friends have been doing this for years, and of course imagine how he's gonna feel when he realizes Greg gave that up, to hang out with Nick at home with nothing more exciting to do than watch tv together. lol, now there's a plot bunny. Anyone want it?

Speaking of plot bunnies, I've certainly got a few in the works. Two current pieces are one shots, but I don't know where they're going. But I'm certainly missing the reviews, so, I'll try to get something posted soon. Someone mentioned reading a ton of Love fics and I realized I don't have anything up that's new. lol, Doesn't help that I'm on writing break and so busy with work and trying to find a second job to pay bills. But for a few days things should be clear for writing take-off. We'll see what happens.

Well, gotta run... new fanfics to be read! ttyl!
Oh, I guess staying at home with Nicky wouldn't be so boring after all, there are quite some activities besides hanging out that would keep the boys busy! :devil:

And I loved the idea of them in the bushes and an elderly couple finding them. Can you imagine how embarrassed Nick would be and Greg would just start laughing! :lol: Ah, isn't there someone here who'd like to write that? hint :thumbsup:
Its great to see another Nick & Greg thread. And its the 20th (we should celebrate!!).

I am so glad to see that there has been more Nick & Greg fics lately. Keep "The Love" alive.

I know in the last thread we discussed Nick & Greg dating other people on the show. I want to discuss the fanny smaking eppie. Did greg really go on a date with the DA ? Does this mean Nick & greg were defiantely together then ???
Its great to see another Nick & Greg thread. And its the 20th (we should celebrate!!).

I am so glad to see that there has been more Nick & Greg fics lately. Keep "The Love" alive.

I know in the last thread we discussed Nick & Greg dating other people on the show. I want to discuss the fanny smaking eppie. Did greg really go on a date with the DA ? Does this mean Nick & greg were defiantely together then ???

Well, I always watched the "date" as something Greg was "forced" into. Just have a look at his face when he tells Cath. That's not a man who just went out on a date and had fun. Plus in Post Mortem he said that the DA "made" him drink a glass wine. So, no, I don't think it was a real date, just business. And by the way Cath looked at him she know he'd rather have been with Nick!

And I hope that neither of them will get a canon girlfriend. That would be the worst that could happen to the Love. But I don't really want to get into that right now, I want to think about Nick and Greg in the bushes!! :devil:
^^ The whole date with the DA I think was kinda a forced thing for Greggo. She was most defiantly into him but he had no interest in her. But heck a free meal is a free meal. I agree with love_fan Cath can see that he did not wanna be with her on the date, and much rather be with Nicky working the case or whatever. So most likely to me they would have been together by then. But in my timeline they got together in season three so it would have been for years then.

Pish canon girlfriend, even if it does happen just a beard my friends. As for dating other people we know Greggo had a thing for Sara but dropped it like third period french after he learned that she was after Grissom. And the whole Kristy thing, but these things happened years ago so I'm just gonna forget about them and concentrate on the LOVE.

PS. -Love the words boy touching, makes me giggle. Also Sara's Girl read the newest chappie in your fic loved it, great work as always.
It would be so adorable to see Greggo give up a night of partying to spend time with Nick. Bird watching hey? Sounds extremely boring. Greggo would probably think so too. I love the idea of the elderly couple noticing them at the bird sanctuary.

Ugh everytime I think of Greg liking Sara...Bah. Everytime an episode was on where they're flirting I'd end up yelling at my tv for her to get away from him.
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