The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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QOTU said:
Twins- There's always The Love ship, which is highly under-used, and not, from what I can tell, as regulated as here.
Love ship?

:] Lol. That'd be...Interesting, it would. I can imagine someone saying that, though, not necessarily on CSI, but on another show, just telling writers that "Yeah, I don't want my character to be thrown into a relationship." Oh, the things one could do with that.

My cousin wondered, after I told her about the restrictions on this site, why this was the..."main" forum. My initial thought was because it was more or less a safe site and that because it was, what PG13, it wouldn't scare off people as easily...But she brings up a good point. It'd just be kind of hard to continue somewhere else, what with how big this one already is and how many people know about it.

Ratings would probably go back and forth, I'd think. I mean, there'd be lots of people that might be "yay! Nick and Greg are together!" -coughuscough- but then others that wouldn't like it, so I imagine it'd kind of be like ATWT - a lot of people excited because there's a gay couple, but then again, they might lose viewers, too. Really, not like any other TV show. Lose some, win some.

1CSIMfan- I totally understand. Not happy with it, but I understand - there are certain rules you have to go by if you're going to post.
Queen-I can't go to I've been banned for having a "shared" account. *rolls eyes at the idiots at*

Nick and Greg are still young on the show. I mean, I think Sofia is supposed to be an older woman, possibly 42, older than Nick and MUCH older than Greg. Now I'm not saying that they wouldn't pair up an older woman with a younger man, but it's more unlikely. But hey, pairing up Nick and Greg seems that way to others, but they actually HAVE chemistry to work with. It flows off the screen.
Okay, I loved Sofia. She was my favorite girl on the whole show, but I honestly think, that if they ever brought her back for long, they wouldn't dare stick her with Nick or Greg. They just didn't have the chemistry. I'm sure SoNic fans would disagree with me, but... meh.

Honestly, I think that if they didn't hook Nick and Greg up, I'd want Nick to be with a smart, strong woman like Sofia. And I'd want Greg to have someone smart, funny, and strong as well. But not Sofia, cuz that wouldn't look right. XD

Hey guys, we could get a proboards. I'm on an RP site that's hosted by proboards and it's really nice there. In fact, I have one already under my name, it's anime oriented right now, but I could change it up and make it into a CSI/The Love board ifin ya want.

EDIT: Scratch that idea. It seems my proboards page has disintegrated from the web. LOL. But I could make a new one just as easy.
I suppose its silly to wonder what the ratings will be like, espicially we know the powers that be will never allow it.

Maybe the actors themselves would not be that thrilled about it either (who knows???)

I still think that they could incorperated it in the show without it being the main attraction.

too be truth if it wasnt for nick & greg i would have stopped watching it along time ago. its a great show but its the same thing every season. they need to spice things up.

is the current season the last season for csi?
Lonewolfe~ I don't think anyone knows for sure if it's the last season. But if I had to put money on it, I'd bet they're getting close to being done. It's sucks to say, but you're right. It is the same stuff every season. But really, there's only so much a show can do without really offending people or 'going too far', while trying to compete with other alike shows. Crime is crime is crime, I suppose.

I think that if Nick and Greg were to get together, the ratings would stay about the same. Maybe, they'd drop a little, but I think more people would want to watch it for the very reason that a gay couple is once again gracing the screen of primetime television.

To be honest, I think the prospect of them as a couple... just isn't going to happen. We can wish and hope all we want, but I think TPTB see more homophobes than fans and don't want to take that risk. As for George and Eric declining on the idea, it's possible. But they have ad-libbed quite a bit in for it to be mere coincidence.

Nick and Greg's love is like a tootsie-pop. The world may never know.
The world may never know...-shakes head and laughs-

I don't think it's anywhere in the writer's minds to make 'em a couple. I think that after they're finished with all seasons, though, they might think "oh, damn, you know what might've been nice?" or "Why didn't we ever try it, even in the last season?"

Well, maybe. It's nice to think about, anyway.

As for a last season, I don't think this one's the last season, but I'm sure they're close. Unless they're aiming for a ten-year one, maybe season 9. -shrugs- I'm going to be eating my words come 2010, aren't I?

I probably wouldn't really be watching all that much anymore if it weren't for the hope of N/G scenes, either. Really, I should've stopped caring back when GSR was shoved in my face, but I kept on truckin'. :lol: Meh, even if there's no chance of a relationship, it's still nice for scenes. Right?

A proboard would be cool, though there's not really a chance that everyone would head on over...Maybe there'd be more, though, depending on the publicity...I guess there'd just have to be a lot of "go here, hey, go here if you like N/G. DOO ITT." -shrugs- I dunno. I like the idea...

I think my being sick is opening a whole world of possibilities for me. I have a few million oneshots running through my mind, but there's no way that I could possibly get one of 'em finished before November, so does that mean I wait until next year to post it or do I just not write it? Halloween [and N/G], so you should be able to see my dilemma...About...the Halloween aspect...>_>

And hey, look! Page 16!

Lol...Zodiac, I love the Chuck Norris line in your signature. -sighs happily- TOTALLY made my day.
suckerforasmile~ :lol: Thanks! Chuck Norris rocks. Gosh, y'know that tootsie-pop thing just appeared in my head. I had to share it with ya'll. LOL.

So, yeah, I hope that if the writers don't put them together that they'll regret it. Unless they have like holier-than-thou God complexes. They deserve just as much recongnition than GSR or... whoever TPTB decide to put together next. I mean, I've come to accept that they probably are not ever going to get our boys together, but I'm not giving up hope that there would be at least some good subtext in the coming season. We must keep hope alive! :D

As for the proboards thing, it's just an idea. But if we can stick to the rules here, even though it sucks there will be no more RPs, I think we'll be okay. A true Love fan always has something to say about The Love! Go us!
I think the audience reaction to Nick and Greg getting together would be much the same as what happened with GSR. A lot of fans upped and quit the show when GSR became canon in "Way to Go", and I think the reaction with The Love would just be the homophobic fans leaving. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if The Love had a smaller reaction.

I do hope someone amongst TPTB will regret it if they never make Nick/Greg canon. Especially considering the fan following it has, and the amazing chemistry between the characters. Here's hoping we get something this season.
OMG, Queen, I just finished Live and Love and I LOVED it. I'm really speechless, it was so good. I bit my lips the whole time, I'm surprised they're not bloody by now.

Now back to the topic. Maybe the writers know about the Love and do everything on purpose. TPTB don't have to know but the writers do?

As for the ratings, well, I don't see it happen, so ... but anyway it really depends how they would come out. If they do it like GSR (shudders) the ratings would stay the same or a bit less but if they decide to pull a ATWT on them, I don't know. But I guarantee you, if they were a couple a lot of LGBT folk would watch just because of them!

As for Sofia, I hated her as a CSI but totally fell for her as a cop.

Queen, I'm still in heaven, can't wait for your next story!!!! :D

And now off to Where You Are.
twins1729 said:

Oh, Clarrisani, I watched Tourchwood again. One word, stopwatch, lol, if only our boys had subtext like that! Could you just imagine!?!?

Speaking of "Torchwood", I was watching episode 8 where Jack beats up a guy at a club and then shouts "This is for Ianto!!". This scene reminds me a lot of Nick beating K-Fed in "Fannysmackin" and all we know that Jack/Ianto is canon in "Torchwood" ;) (they kissed in the season finale)

I remember that George recently talked in an interview about Nick's reaction to Greg's attack in "Fannysmackin" and he said something like that Nick would want to line all the men up and take each of them on for messing with Greg.

Sadly, CBS is not BBC. Not yet.
Enjoy reading "Where you are" love fan. I finished it and the sequel "The Day before you". If TPTB wants to increase their ratings they must put Greg's mother Jan on the show like she is in W"here you are". LOL!! the things that woman says. LMAO!!!

i defiantly think they should do something to spice up the show.
Zodiac32 said:
Lonewolfe~ I don't think anyone knows for sure if it's the last season. But if I had to put money on it, I'd bet they're getting close to being done. It's sucks to say, but you're right. It is the same stuff every season. But really, there's only so much a show can do without really offending people or 'going too far', while trying to compete with other alike shows. Crime is crime is crime, I suppose.

I think that if Nick and Greg were to get together, the ratings would stay about the same. Maybe, they'd drop a little, but I think more people would want to watch it for the very reason that a gay couple is once again gracing the screen of primetime television.

To be honest, I think the prospect of them as a couple... just isn't going to happen. We can wish and hope all we want, but I think TPTB see more homophobes than fans and don't want to take that risk. As for George and Eric declining on the idea, it's possible. But they have ad-libbed quite a bit in for it to be mere coincidence.

Nick and Greg's love is like a tootsie-pop. The world may never know.

Ahh that is soo sad and yet so true. I love the tootsie-pop reference. IT is sad that TPTB are probably slightly ever so much homophobic, but for lif of me i can't see why.

Maybe being from England has made me more acceptible of peoples standings in society without it bothering me much..

Yeah politics regardless of the country a person lives in is still the same.

Say that Nick and Greg were to come out as CSI's first ( or should that be 2nd? because of Bobby) gay couple... I am sure that the LGBT ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movement will fully support it, and I'm sure that ex viewers would just support it and watch it.

Also it would probably make some form of news - either good or bad- which then would pull people into watching the show just to see what the comotion is all about.
The thing is publicity (good or bad) always makes people curious. So if TPTB did make Nick & Greg a couple the publicity over CSI's first gay couple would attract attention and people would tune in just to check it out. I know there would be viewers both for and against the idea but I don't think it would cause the CSI fandom to be at each other's throats like GSR did. Of course I'd like to think that LOVE fans would not be smug, arrogant, or heve that we're-better-than-you-because-our-ship-is-canon attitude like a lot of GSR fans.
Well whether or not the TPTB ever make Nick & Greg a couple I hope they at least acknowledge one or both that they are gay (or at least bi). If they did make them a couple, they'd have to be careful how it played out. But I think it be cool esp. in the line of work they are in. There are gay and lesbian officers, CSIs , etc. But not likely many are out.

As for the ratings I'd think they'd actually go up at first if The Love became canon. And its not b/c I'm being optimistic. Even those who cant see The Love b/c it grosses them out would watch for a short while. I think many who are against it for those reasons would like to see how it gets handled. Curiosity can be very powerful! ;)
Twins- man, that sucks about being banned. Oh well.

As for TPTB not seeing The Love and everyone wanting them to be cannon can I just say this: *cough**cough*

As for the show ending, I heard someone from TPTB once say they hoped it would go on for 30 years...we'll see. I hope that's true though, because I just, only just, started writing for it, and I'm tired of writing for shows that are old, that no one reads fanfic for. And I've finally found something that's live, and it's the most amazing thing in the world! lol. Though I just had someone ask me to write a The Net/CSI crossover that I was planning earlier in the summer then changed my mind. If I did write it, I'd have to stick with my earlier ship of Jacob and Angela, and thus, there would be no Nick and Greg... sadly... but that's neither here nor there yet.

Sucker- I know what you mean about getting things done before November! I'm madly working on my notes for this insane novel and trying to keep Nick and Greg quiet...sorry OTL, they're sitting in a corner with Or, if you'd prefer, I left them in the car with the window cracked, like Sara did

ok, I'll shut up now.

Love_Fan - Wow... I almost made a reader's lips bleed... is that considered an honor? Well, I feel honored that you liked it so much! Thanks for the review! In December I'll have more fanfic coming out, I hope!

Woot! ok, off to get laundry... Long live The Love!
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