The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Anal Swabs. I almost forgot that for a second. Correct me if I'm wrong but was it in Evalution Day when Nicky smiles big time with pride when Grissom makes a comment of Greggo doing a great job on analyzing something for a case??? I didnt think of it now but even if the boys were together at that point, there could have been some serious attraction going on. Nicky was probably thinking, "yeah that's my Greggo." :D :D
The way he smiles in that scene. I don't know...something about it screams CRUSH. The same thing goes for "Felonius Monk." No, not the Eye Sex, that speaks volumes for itself. I mean, the way Greg comes in and he's bragging about solving the case. Then Nick's looking at him, kind of amused thinking (like Stacy said) "That's my Greggo!"

You know, "Scuba Doobie Doo" hits that point too. The "Leggo my Greggo" and the flirting.
And to be nice to other characters even though we hate them Greggo did play a signifcant role in saving his Nicky in the episode "Boom." He was very worried for Nicky him being a suspect in Kristy's murder. Greggo was likely crushed though too by Nicky sleepin with a hooker. Poor in the closet Nicky. :(
I wonder if Nick ever found out that Greg helped. Sure, it was Greg's job, but who needs to get into technical details. He hugged Cath to thank her, what did he do for our Greggo? Wait! Don't answer that. I can't believe you people with your filthy minds!!!! :p

Oh, and I'm sooo stupid. Welcome blue2328!!! I hope you pop in again. It's ALWAYS nice to see a new, beautiful face!
Same here, welcome blue2328!!!! my welcoming skills are slipping.

Nicky could have thanked Greggo, we just never saw that. lol As twins pointed out we have filthy minds. I know I do and I dont care, the boys are HOT!!! :devil: :devil:

And not to sound 'filthy' as twins put it but there was the time I first believe that Nicky checked out Greggo's ass and Greggo had been eating or shall I say 'slurping' ramon noodles. And dont have your minds go to the gutters!!! hehehehe :D ;)
Nick was probably thinking, "I've been flirting non-stop with that guy all year...and he STILL won't let me have that ass! I guess all I can do is stare..."


You know, cause season 2 was great and all.

"Chasing the Bus" is THE best Nick/Greg episode ever! We even voted! Especially when they're walking and Nick tells Greg about his first the field.
If I'm not mistaken Greggo might have been checking out Nick after Nick telling Greggo about his first time. When they were heading back down the hill. So that is one ass check for Greggo to Nicky and as i said earlier Nicky has ass checked to Greggo.

And I got to thinking earlier when Jay brought up how Nicky could be outed since there had been ways mentioned for Greggo. Maybe something will be said in the chapel episode. Just a theory, nothing spoiler-ish.
I would LOVE it, even if it was acknowledged. I've said it several times before. Even if it's just for humor. They've never acknowledged that they've flirted or anything else.

I'll even settle if they don't say anything to each other, and it's just someone commenting on them. Hell, I'll settle for someone talking about them behind their backs!
Yeah that would be nice & hopefully TPTB are reading this!!! lol

I know a lot has been said about A La Cart and all the subtexy-ness of it but I got to re-thinking of a certain scene. When Nicky asks Greggo if he knew about Sara and Grissom and Greggo tells him he did, then Nicky throws his hands in the air gesturing why didnt tell me. And if they were together then even more so of why didnt you tell me. But getting to my point. Nicky should be mad at Greggo really. Why? You may ask. Well as we learned later on (diff. epi.) when Greggo talks about privacy with Archie, he has gotten use to that poss. with Nicky and therefore was keeping the privacy of Sara and Grissom's relationship a secret. Greggo has had to learn how to keep his mouth shut. And if there is ANY truth to what I'm saying, he is doing a great job!!! To the rest of the team, not to us fans of The Love!!!! :D
I'm sure there are hundreds of reasons why Nick and Greg would keep their relationship a secret. That is, if they're dating already.

There are hundreds of more possibilites of Nick and Greg getting together and starting a relationship.

Sometimes it seems as if they're dating, and then a couple of episodes later, it's still obvious, but maybe not that they're together, but that they like each other.

We can't pin-point a spot unless we KNOW. *coughTPTBcough*
Well someone brought this up before in this thread I believe that they could be seeing each other with the understanding that they could see other people as well. It might be because Greggo or Nicky is etiher not looking for something serious but they enjoy each other company.

It also could be due to the fact that Nicky isnt ready to come out to the team, even if its just Grissom. Or it could be whether all or any of the team knows about them that Nicky doesnt want to or is scared to come out to his parents! He has to keep up the straight boy image!
Well, that's where a beard comes in.

You know, it would be PERFECT if someone randomly joked about Nick's sexuality or that he flirts with Greg. Anything.

Then the next episode he has this mysterious girlfriend. I don't think TPTB think we're that stupid, but you never know.

Even if the Chapel scenes happens, and that alone, I'll still think that. :p
I dont know concensus of everyone on the fort here but I really dont buy the mystery girlfriend. Not in the way that is feared.

One of my favorite moments of The Love happend in one of the most nerve wracking episodes. At least for me that is. Fannysmackin'. When Nicky takes a swing at K-fed. I really wish Warrick hadnt stopped him. Nicky was soooooooooo upset about what happened to his sweet Greggo.

Ok I think I might cry now just thinking about that episode. *shudders* and *cries* :( :( :(
I still can't get over that. We've NEVER EVER seen Nick so angry.

He did get rough with that kid who took Cassie, but he was a suspect. K-Fed was just some random guy standing by the street. Nick was already upset, and this guy comes saying he's weak. Probably meaning Greg was weak too.

Ooohhh boy, don't piss off Nicky! Nick let him have it!

That is so true. Dont make Nicky angry!!! Think of all the cases where a child gets killed or a child abuse case. And when he told Cath about the baby sitter. Ugh. *shakes fist at baby sitter*

One thing I find odd is that while Nicky can be one to show his emotions, Greggo isnt. Yes he was upset during 'Grave Danger' and worried when Nicky was accused of killing Kristy but unless I'm missing something he hasnt really cried.
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