The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Twins ~ His name is Ami and he's 5 weeks old, fuzzy gray w/white paws. Though he and our 6 year-old female, Nikki, don't get along well. I wanted to name him Greg, so we'd have a Nikki and Greggo, but my mom was like "Uh, no." LOL But he's the cutest little kit and momma's big baby boy. :D

Okay, back on topic... I thought there was a scene, a few seasons ago maybe, where Nick was sitting crosslegged. I could be wrong, my memory is deteriorating day by day, but I thought there was. As for Greg, he's always come off as at least bi, to me. I mean even waaaay back when he was talkin' about the girl with the 'fine epithelials'... IDK, he's always given off a more feminie vibe. Even moreso than Nick at times.

So, I was watching... I believe it was 'Spark of Life' earlier and there was that scene with Sofia and Greg in the locker room and she says something about how he used to be a pretty fun guy back in the day, and I couldn't help but thinking, "Oh dear Lord, and he only gets worse." XD So it's good to hear that he's going to be back to that fun guy this season. And I think, if Nick stops dropping off the face of the earth halfway through episodes, we'll end up with some pretty good N/G-ness. Hopefully.

Yikes, optimism again. I'm scaring myself. LOL
Awwww your new kitten sounds cute Zodiac.

I agree about Greg. Ever before I even became a fan of The Love I thought he was at least bi. And I wish my memory was better but I'd swear that Nick has had his legs crossed in some scenes where he was in the break room or locker room. Unfortunately, I wouldnt be able to tell you which episode or even season it be from!

Love the pics of our boys! They made my day! :)

BTW candy what happen to your banner??? And to show how out of it I can be in your second to last post where you have the banner Nick winks at Greg. I wonder if that was his way of saying thanks for agreeing with me doll face!!! hehehehe:)
:p Thanks, OTL.

Okay, so call me weird, but I absolutely adore going into other ship threads, such as Sandle and SNickers, and just checking out what they're saying about their pairs. [Tis fun, you should try it.] It's actually quite endearing that they still hold out hope for a ship including Sara with anyone but Grissom. And of course, since Nick and Greg are so obviously together, there's really no point in pairing either with anyone else anyway, but... people have different points of view, I suppose. Anyway, I'd have to say, as The Love fans, we are by far, the most positive, loving, supportive, aware fans of any of the ships to include Nick or Greg [or anyone, really] that I've seen. Which is saying a lot considering a slash pairing.

That's gotta make you feel good, right? :D
I just love the pic of those two from A la Cart. *swoons* I didn't notice Greg crossing his legs. The hotness of him must have blinded me slightly lol.

I have to say also during the teaser when the guy was naming off all the ways that the victim (well before Nick found her, at least) was killed off in her movies, I was worried he would say 'buried alive' at one point. Don't ask me why, but I was like 'oh please don't say buried alive'. Which he didn't at least. It would have been interesting to see how Nicky would have reacted to that.

I caught Fannysmackin' on CBS but when it was just the teaser, I didn't realize it was that ep until the second victim saw the guy behind her. I gotta tell you, that was one scary dude. I just wanted to hug Greggo all over again. And finally being able to see the boys in the whole thing really let me feel the pain and anger Nick was going through when Greg was beaten.

I was also listening to a depressing song yesterday and it gave me a video idea based off of Fannysmackin. I had a couple scenes in mind. Of course I don't make videos so if someone wanted to do a depressing type Nick/Greg video, well I have an idea lol.

Zodiac, I too, venture to the other ship threads to see what they have to say. So you're not weird, don't worry. It's funny because I can almost see the moments and I have read a couple fics with those pairings, but my heart is still with The Love.
Hi Elizabeth! I'd offer that Natalie make the video, but she'd kill me. She wants to make some Nuke videos before Nick/Greg ones, 'cause....guess what?

Her 20th video is up!!! Go to YouTube and search "7 Years of Love - A Nick and Greg Tribute"!!! Please comment on it, I hope you all like it. :D

Stacy, sometimes when people edit there post, it makes their banner disappear. I don't know why, but I've noticed as much.

Lexi, aww, he sounds so adorable. And don't worry, you're not alone. After every new episode if I think there is a moment for those ships, I like to gage their reaction. Most of the time it's nothing.
Twins~ LOVE LOVE the video!! :D :D :D And thanks for the explination.

I have ventured in other ship threads too, to see what they all say.

question for you all~ When did you realize that Greg and Nick were gay or at least bi??? For me I always felt Greg character was bi for as long as I can recall. Nick I always found odd that he was checking out Greg's ass at the time but I didnt really think about it as much. This was all before I became a fan of The Love.

BTW is it the shirts Nick wears that show off his body more or has he between somewhere in season 7 til this season (8) that he has really "bulked" up arm wise??? or is it b/c I have watched to many epi. from the first couple of seasons??? lol :p
Twins, I LOVE "Seven Years of Love". Awesome vid! And so true. And I love that you have put the clips in a chronological order;it's like a Nick/Greg mini-movie!

only_true_love : I noticed that something was going on betweem them in "Scooba Doobie Doo", season two (btw, it was the first CSI episode I'd ever watched, lol) . All that flirting in the lab scene, those glances, invading each other's personal space... Then when I saw Nick checking out Greg's ass in "The Hunger Artist" and that scene from "Felonious Monk" where they are standing SO close *points to my icon* and Nick touching Greg's chest in "Who Are You"...well....Straight men don't act like that! ;)

candygirl pointed this out before me on the Greg/Eric thread. The boys didn't have a scene together but take a look at these two "fashionistas" in "The Case of the Cross Dressing Carp":


And speaking of fashion, the boys in Stuff Magazine:

Yay! More pictues! Love the Stuff Magazine pic. *purrs*

So, I was just reading about the Writer's Strike [booo!] and started thinking: Wouldn't it be great if they brought in Pro-The Love Scabs to write in our favor? Greg and Nick would finally have a kissing scene. XD Yeah, that'll be the day. *le sigh* Well, a girl can dream.

As to the question, I've pretty much always thought Greg was at least bi. Then after the whole Kristy thing, I just knew Nick was gay. Then in S2, with all the major flirting between them, I was like "oh yeah, they're a couple." It's been a long time, but that's what I remember most over the last 8 years. :p
O_O Zodiac, you just put an amazing image in mind...what with the kissing and all...-sighs-

Oh, um...I know that this weeks ep is a WAT crossover (right?), so...-grins speeishly- What's happening? And what episode # are we on? And what's next week? :D
hehehehe LOVE the pics of the boys!!!! In the pic. from Stuff magazine, what is Nick holding????

And the whole thing with Nick and Kristy I always thought was odd. I do believe he cared about her and that he thought she was getting out of the hooking business. But I think they really got together for one if not both reasons. Nick was trying to push away his "feelings" towards men. And if it felt right with Kristy then some how he'd be cured. Secondly, he was desperate and it had been awhile. That all I'll say hopefully you all can figure out what I mean! lol *doesnt want to get booted off this site* But as I have said b4 somewhere if not here, that whole flash-back scene looked beyond fake! :rolleyes:
*wonders what Nick was thinking* ok I'm goiing to really stop now. :D :p
*pounces suckerforasmile* I thought you weren't gonna be around this month! Shame, shame for making me worry like that. XD

Yes, images. We N/G fans live on our wondeful imaginations, don't we?

As for the WAT/CSI crossover and all that, I'm really not sure what it's about, but you could probably find out in the Crime Scene Investigator page under 'Who & What Discussion'. I know it's 8x06 and the next episode is called 'Hello, Goodbye', I do believe. Which is the one where... that one thing... happens with that one... person, and it makes us Love fans happyful. Meh, Spoilers and such.

Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong on any of that info. It's late and Ami hasn't been letting me sleep much since we got him. *passes out*

OTL~ I think he slept with Kristy because Nick couldn't pass up the opportunity to play the hero. It's his personality. He saw a girl who needed his help, she seduced him, and he was already having issues dealing with his sexuality; ergo, The Kristy Incident.

I heart making excuses for past relationships for our boys. :D
:D Oh, did I say that? -pounces- xD Well, I'm procrastinating because I don't want to write a scene that I have to, so... I'm not-writing in anyway I can. Hence... Me being here.

Uh, going back to the question early, I... Don't remember when I was like '...HEY.' xD I remember saying this. But I don't. I do remember a thing like a 'HEY...Nick/Greg? Well... Let's see if it sucks or not! [I was hoping it didn't]' And then I was like, "INTERNETS!" and then the Internets was all like 'OH KAY HERE N/G = AWESOME."

>_> I'm not sure what's with my typing tonight...Um. Sorry.

Ooh, ooh! I absolutely hated Kristy, but I liked the obviousness it brought on. I mean, suuuuure, he called her back, but, pfft, whatever. I'm sure he was just a bit, *ahem* desperate.

And that last picture -points to the one with Eric in a pink shirt- made me think if they're trying to be kinda obvious, I mean, pullin' stuff like that... -shakes head- Even if it's for a photoshoot or whatever.

So, hey, wait - writer's strike? I read the ... um, news? about it but it didn't give me any REAL info, because I obviously can't understand basic English anymore. Dx
ohhhh I just noticed something from the individual pics above the one from Stuff magazine. If you look oyu can see that their smile is same. Both have the same sides of their mouths "curling" up on the same side. I bring this up b/c they say the longer you've been with someone you start to act like them. Even dress alike. hehehehe
Ok seabird very good pictures. Another thing that I see when I glance at Greg’s hat is that it reminds me of either Raymond Burr actor bisexual person. , or Quentin Crisp famous for denying his sexuality.

I don’t know why that is, but it is….

The thing also with the stereotypical stances is that it can be either a positive thing or a negative thing. I can’t remember who it was but someone posted that both Nick and Greg wore almost identical clothes before hand.

Unsure now which scene came first was it Nick or Greg?

Come on a stripy shirt and a chequered hat, I know it was on two people, but please it screams gay to me. I know that anyone can wear a stripy shirt without being referred to as gay, however this is our boys we’re talking about and not some professor or Gilbert Grissom. See Gil would probably get away with wearing the shirt that Nick wore. When I saw Nick wearing that, I thought ‘dear God has he no shame?’

We all expect the figure hugging tops and the tight jeans, but hello not a stripy shirt. It just doesn’t go with his (supposed) image.

Whilst a very clear sign would be for either man to wear a rainbow badge or pin, or even the pink triangle. I am not to sure which

only_true_love when I watched it, I sniggered and said figures or something like that….

LOL with the picture of Eric wearing Pink. Duh not every gay lesbian or bisexual or transsexual or pansexual person wears pink. LOL. I mean a major icon if Greg or Nick was to have one it .. Now if they wore a badge or something like that then it would indicate their preference ( we know anyway)
The thing that always got me about Kristy is that she came onto him. Maybe he was being a "hero" and only wanted to help her. Since she was a prostitute, she was so used to having men come onto her...and maybe Nick didn't. So she took it into her own hands. He seemed reluctant to me, but decided to for some reason.

Really reminds me of when Noah slept with Maddie on ATWT. Speaking of Nuke, I made my first video "Mr. Brightside" for those of you who care. lol
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