The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Well, there was one time he cried. In the hospital when Grissom came to see him in "Fannysmackin'."

He was upset in general, upset he hurt that guy, and upset about his parents. It's also one of the few times Greg opened up about his parents, truthfully.

I really wish they would give us a Nick/Greg bonding moment (No, not that. I told you guys that you have filthy minds!), but something where one opens up to the other about (Why is everything sounding sexual??).

You know, instead of Greg trying to impress Nick all the time.
*hangs head in shame for forgetting that*

Considering that the boys are in a relationship whether its on and off or serious. Who is the "guy" in the relatioship and who is the "girl". i might be wrong but dont same sex relationships (not all) still have on that is more girly and the other more manly?

And even though I believe Nicky is gay and Greg bi, I think Nicky is more of the man in their realtionship. More for ego sake at times. Think of A La Cart. Nicky ran like the dicken after the kid Rod. And Greg appears later.

Not that I'm complaining b/c who doesnt like to see Nicky run! :devil: :devil: :devil:
I love Nick's manlyness even though we all think he's gay.

Thing about Greg screaming bi is that he's so open minded. Kind of like a younger, less boring Grissom. Points to the quote from "Big Middle."

I could definitely see him dating both men and women, and being 100% comfortable with everything. He DID grow up in southern California.
It be interresting to think about if the characters were switched. Not George playing Greg and Eric playing Nick, but Nick starting out as the labe rat and Greg the CSI. Even have Greg be from Texas with the ladies man persona and having been in a frat, etc.

One thing is for sure, no matter if they are just still flirting with each other or are dating, they surely would do well together. They both have been though some of the toughest experiences amougnst the characters and multiple times.
I could STILL see them getting together. Whether it's a huge or insignificant detail, I don't think that would change their feelings for each other.

I was inspired for an AU type story a while back. But you all know how bad I am at fanfiction. lol

Personally, I think they're meant to be. Soul mates, true love, what ever you want to call it.
I like to think they are kindred spirits.

And I have a new theory on the boys:
I think that with Nicky's ladies man attitude that he was a virgin before Greggo. To men that is. And that he knows he has been atteacted to men before but has never acted on it and pushed the feelings away. Had to stay in the closet. Then he met Greggo and the feelings re-surfaced. And he got to know Greggo as a friend and trusted him. With the trust between them he was willing to go all the way with Greggo.
That's an interesting theory. Serious, we could come up with hundreds. Like was saying before about their relationship.

Kind of sounds like what Noah would have done if Luke never dragged him out of the closet. I could see Nick as being in denial or just pushing those feelings away all together. Then he met Greg and fell in love with him. :)
Not to be cliche or anything, but you've also got to factor in that the show is set in Vegas. The whole 'Sin City - what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' attitude. If Nick had any issues coming out of the closet in Texas, after spending some time in Vegas, the 'city of sin', he might have lost some of that reluctance. Besides, one look at Greg might have been all it took.
Maybe its me and I might be rambling her for a bit so bear with me. But I think sometimes Greggo has lied about his dates. The girl with the impossible green eyes that he was analyzing her epitheals (sp?) wasnt hers it was Nicky's. I still think Greggo is bi but just fabricated stories because he believed Nicky was straight at first and just wanted to be one of the guys.

One other thing and again to the mods or anyone else sorry for another rambling.... When Nicky was with Kristy he was thinking of Greggo. :devil: *and try not to have your mind go too much in the gutter!!! lol*
Later after Kristy and Nick were done, she couldn't help but ask who Greg was...:evil. lmao

I still think Nick should have taken the slide from Greg and gotten another DNA tech to analyzed it. Maybe he wouldn't have found anything, but he'd realize how insanely in love Greg he was!

I'm sure Greg HAS been with girls. But he's no ladies man. He's obviously fabricated many stories. All to impress his Nicky.
Well Bye BYE Fort #17 Its been fun!!!!

And here is to more Nick and Greg fun. The looks the patts the eye-sex and all other good slashy moments. But most of all to all wonderful Love fans and the support of this ship!!! Fort #18 is on its way!!!
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