The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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lovegeorge said:
ziggystarduzt said:
Ddddduuuuuuudddde, that is SO COOL. When did you write him? I want an Eric letter too! *uberjealous*
Hey have any of you guys ever written to George Eads, cause i have, like three or four times and he hasn't written back. D'you think im bad at taking hints, or he just doesn't read fan mail? Has n e 1 got fan mail from him? :confused:

I wrote the entire regular cast - only ES has written back....
I so want a GE picture!
I haven't written to GE but I have writtwn ES, not heard back yet.

I got creative this weekend, made a new banner & avatar.
Love the new banner and icon. And sorry I haven't gotten to that thing yet, it's been a rough weekend, but I'm back now (stayed at my parents today) and I'll get back to you probably sometime in the morning.

I hope you're doing ok Kelly.. *huggies*

I put up my new icons at the nickngreg lj. There's a bunch of boyeyecandy there, so check it out and lemme know what you think!
Thanks both of you so much. I really have appreciated the warm wishes. I didn't even get a get well card around here, hum, oh well. But I am feeling better, and at least I'm not swollen up like I'm pregnant anymore.

And yeah, new iconage. I will definitely check it out. I've been playing at the forum and at my lj tonight, so off to check out new icons. I snagged one of Sillie's for my new default on my LJ, and it looks perfect.

ok i have to say it, i dont know why but every time i hear the song "put you head on my shoulder" by michael buble i always think about nick and greg

"i think of greg and nick the same way marge thinks about potatoes *i just think there neat*"
hey hey i am still here!!! happy canada day to my fellow canucks and happy independence day to all you americans!

oh and thank you to lonewolfe for pimping my new fic. *squee*

kelly, hope you're feeling better. and you too, serenity.

theme park sounds great. but i'm not going on any rollercoasters! *ick*

hey i wrote to ES and i never got a reply! *cries* what is the proper address? maybe he didn't like my letter. *cries more*

oh and what the beep is it with people flaming iconmakers now? sheesh. *shakes head* these guys need to get a life.
This was on the second page again, so I'm swooping in all dramatic-like and rescuing it. Kinda like superman.

I reckon Greg would want to see the new superman film because he has a crush on the new Clark Kent, and Nick would let himself be 'dragged along' but would secretly quite enjoy the tight fitting spandex suit!!!
all this superman talk has me thinking of some role playing... greg can be the damsel in distress, and nick can come save him in spandex pants no shirt and a cape ROFL
oh, you guys. LOL.

hey. this may sound utterly bizarre, but i've FINALLY had the chance to watch "grave danger"!! thanks to spike tv who aired it monday night!! i know this is old news but man, what a ride. now i really have some good juju for my fic.

*bleats helplessly*

and what nicky said to grissom..... ? "grissom, i never told you this but..." (see below)

sofine said:
*bleats helplessly*

and what nicky said to grissom..... ? "grissom, i never told you this but..." (see below)


Of course, he had to confess his undying love just in case he didn't make it. And Greg of course heard this somehow, and they so got it on.

Hey people, what's going on? Hum, I'm having a good time going back and reading some older stuff. I am finally getting around better. Still can't fit into any pants yet, damnit. So, are we all packed. Almost time to go people.
Violet_Eyes has a great new hot fic over at WMTDB.

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