The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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New thread!!!!!

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Okay, last thread, we were talking about Nick's hair. Discuss! :lol:

Edit: Where are we again? Brokeback Mountain? I'm coming off not a lot of sleep, and I'm disoriented.
WOOT WOOT new thread, what a lovely place BB mountain is... wonder if we'll see ennis or jack around... interesting thought :devil:
Yep, we're here on beautiful Brokeback mountain, the birds are singing, the stream is rippling gently and I'm starting the campfire. The tent's up, hope you all brought your sleeping bags!

As for Nick's hair.... I'm kinda disappointed that he's cut it now. I thought he looked uber-cute with his hair all messy (and perfect for Greg to run his hands through)
Serenity said:
Yep, we're here on beautiful Brokeback mountain, the birds are singing, the stream is rippling gently and I'm starting the campfire. The tent's up, hope you all brought your sleeping bags!

As for Nick's hair.... I'm kinda disappointed that he's cut it now. I thought he looked uber-cute with his hair all messy (and perfect for Greg to run his hands through)
OMG so i'm not the only one hu LOVED his scruffy hair lol. i'm sad he cut it :(

and i have 10 sleeping bags lol. in one now actually coz its so bloomin cold down here in aus lol
Serenity said:

As for Nick's hair.... I'm kinda disappointed that he's cut it now. I thought he looked uber-cute with his hair all messy (and perfect for Greg to run his hands through)

Yeah, I kind of am, too. I like the shaggy hair. :( But I guess I'll get used to the short hair again. I'm just glad the boys had a scene together last night. I'm going to have to watch it again, given the fact that I hadn't had a lot of sleep when I watched it. But they had a scene! So that was encouraging. Actually, I thought last night's episode was an all-around good offering.
I'm one of the few who didn't like Nick's longer hair. Especially in last night's ep - the scene where he, Sara, Grissom, and Catherine (I think) are sitting around a table discussing the case. Nick old. The hair added to it and made it look like he was straight out of a 70's flick. He just needed the pornstache to complete the look...

So, I'm glad he's cut it. Happy happy joy joy for me!

Someone in the last thread was asking about Easter fic...I'm writing one now. I should warn it's sappy. Very sappy.
*drags in sleeping bag and lots of pillows* I don't do so well on hard ground :p But it's nice and peaceful here at for the squeeing, lol

I didn't like it either, stripforensics...I could live with it until that scene you mentioned, where it looked AWFUL. I am so glad that in the next ep it's short again! Plus, it seems we'll be getting another scene with them together from that shot in the promo... :D
Then again, I haven't seen the hair 'in motion' only in photographs so I guess I can't really judge. (But I do know that George liked having his hair longer - that's why I think it's a shame that he finally cut it)
Whoa, everyone blew through #11 really quickly. And such a lovely view to start out #12. Excellent choice for a location. :)

Aw, I really enjoyed last night's episode. Their scene just helped to put the icing on the cake. Ah, TPTB is there something you're trying to tell us? So many interesting things that bring the boys together.

Personally I love Nick's hair, but it does have it's good and bad moments. Everyone sitting around the table- yea it wasn't too good there, but when he was "getting personal" in his wee black shirt- HOT. I don't know though, I'm getting kinda attached to it...
but the next episode is suppose to be from everyone's own personal view right? My dream long shot theory is maybe he hair isn't really cut, but who's ever view that clip came from, they want him to cut his hair so they just pretend it is. It is suppose to be a funnier episode at least.

Okay, not quite as grand now that I've typed it down, but it definitely would be funny.

EDIT: oops to that crazy spoiler button.
*drags in featherbed and down comforter* hey, I'm camping with comfort people, oh and Serenity, I brougt the JD, who brought the beans, soup, and beer, it's still early ya know.

First of, Happy Birthday Wojo

OK, make your wish (have fun)

Clockstopper I so loved your fic, I already read it twice, adrenaline rush sex gotta love, I did post box sex with Greg just how you described him, thought that was kind of funny.

Hey did anyone bring marshmellow???

Woah. It's in everyone's personal POV? I didn't know that. That sounds COOL! Then I hope we get Greg looking at Nick, or vice versa. WOOHOO.

And for those asking about an Easter fic... I wrote one. Just's so fluffy. So so fluffy.
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