The Fan Fiction Challenge Idea's Thread

Since there seemed to be a lot of threads on this of late, I decided to make one thread for you all to post your ideas in. Please, only the ideas in this thread so it doesn't get too crowded.

alwayswrite05 already came up with one.

1.Must use the characters Cath, Warrick, Nick, Sara, Greg and Griss. Try and include Doc Robbins and Brass.
2.Must include YoBling flirting and may include Geek Love, Snicker, or Sandle flirting/ pairings.
3. Must use the lines “flick my bic” and “not my goodies”.
4. Must include a broken A/C; shirtlessness; whipped cream; chocolate syrup; the break room; and Blue Hawaiian coffee; Catherine and an ice cube.
No NC-17 smut. Anyone can write smut. It takes talent to use imagination and allusions to get your point across. No slash please!!! Have fun and be creative.

Dive right in. Be nice, be creative, most of all have fun. :)
*pouts* nobody here wants to do my challenge? Ah, well. Is it too hard or something? It's my very first one and I had no idea what I was doing so, yeah, let a girl know.
As quoth the raven said, not necessarily too difficult. I for one have eight or nine unfinished fics so I'm not writing any challenge fics at the moment.
But I guess there's a bigger chance that people will take your challenge if it's maybe a little simpler :) It is a cool challenge though.
Ok, simpler. Hmmm. How's this:
1. Must use the characters Cath, Warrick, Nick, Sara, Greg and Griss.
2. Any pairing(altough YoBling is encouraged).
3. Must use the line “not my goodies”.
4. Must include a broken air conditioner; the break room; Blue Hawaiian coffee; ice cream; and a record breaking heat wave.
No slash and try and keep it PG-13. Have fun and be creative.

I think you have a better chance of getting some responses to it now, yeah :) I might have a go at it at some point even though I'm not normally a YoBling fan *ducks tomatoes* ;)
I got one:
Sara and Nick are married and she is pregnant with their first child, the challenge is she has to tell him. The rules are.

1, she has to tell him at work.
and 2, she can either tell him by talking or giving him the home pregnancy test or someother way.
hiya, i'll give it a shot if ya like? ok, gotta have all characters, any pairing, preferably yobling, line - 'not my goodies', broken AC, breakroom, blue hawaiian coffee, ice cream an record breakin heatwave, no slash PG13, kk, i'll give it a shot :p:D , an get back to ya, ya wan me post it here?,
Sure, post it here if you want. Or just link it if you do it at or something. I'd given up hope of anyone doing it. Cool beans :D. Have fun and I can't wait to read it. *tears up* my first challenge, all grown up and out on its own. Yeah, I'm silly :rolleyes:.
I challenge anyone to go up against me in writing a fan fic written around the crazy world of WWE. Using all 3 shows and using any WWE show of their choice. Raw. Smack Down!. Even Velocity...

Anybody on for it?
WWE?, wrestling?, i know absolutly nuffin bout wrestling, lol, never watched it, cept i know stone cold steve Austin and the rock, haha, only ever herd of them an the rock did that film summit bout scorpion king, but its kinda random int it?:S:S, is this just csi or can it be anyfin?:plol ,
ok i'm doing that challenge, the yobling, record heat wave etc, ok, 4 sara, shud i do GSR? or Snickers?, vote lemme know, whichever you prefer, thnx, MerryChristmas,
You shoulda put a poll in that one CalleighRox if you wanted votes. I don't really care. Although, today I'm kinda partial to Sandle stuff. Don't know why, except that I gorged(sp?) myself on season three yesterday and that The Accused is Entitled "What has he got that I don't" stuff is going through my head. Plus they're so friggin cute together when they flirt :D.