"The Descent Of Man" Discussion *SPOILERS*

All the soaps have had their ratings decline in the past few years, since 9/11 as I read somewhere.

Hey if a show is not doing well in the ratings and it's not making money for the network, then they don't have a choice but to cancel it. It stinks, but it's advertising that brings in the money. The more viewers, the more they can charge for advertising space.
Just finished watching, i guess i am not gonna say anything different ... Definetly more interesting than last week. At least the screen times are good. Ray's case was funny. Especially Brass scenes! And the actor who plays ''the turtle'' was awesome AGAIN! :lol: What a falling from the sky!

Also it was good to see Charisma C. on tv again! Nick's face expressions were awesome...

I don't get why the writers needed to make a connection between Cath/Greg's case and Nick/Riley case but at least it was ironic and unexpected. The final scene with Greg, Riley,Nick and Ray was very nice. Greg had the remote , at least they gave him the right to control the tv :pAnd the three have left him while he was still talking... :lol:
All the soaps have had their ratings decline in the past few years, since 9/11 as I read somewhere.
Actually, it started long before that. Remember the O.J. Simpson trial, during which all daytime television was pre-empted for live coverage of the trial? That was the death knell for the daytime soaps. Ratings plummeted after the soaps returned to the air, and they've never recovered.

Oh, and hubby and I enjoyed this episode of "CSI"! We just watched it on tape. It was nice to get a lighthearted one after last week, and Riley is really growing on me. I like her bemused take on everything. Loved Brass interrogating the guru wannabe who just kept agreeing with everything he said. I continue to enjoy Ray and his subtleties. Just when I started to wonder if Catherine or Greg were going to get screen time, they showed up in case No. 3. There was something strange about the way Catherine was acting. I can't put my finger on it, but she was oddly stilted, and that's not something you often see with that character.
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Finally watched the ep and loved it :)

I agree with many things allready said like the great end scenes ,Brass humor , flying turtles,...

Screen time for nearly everyone (no Mandy ,Bobby D,...) and team interactions again , thank you show !!!

I nearly grinned the whole ep through and Charismas and Gregs roles where just crazy :guffaw:

Cathrin could act a bit more like the team leader and her role still seems a little off, but overall I'm just happy with this ep after Mascara .;)