The CSI Miami "TEAM" - I'm confused!!!


This is not a "shipper" question - it is a team question -- that I'm dying to get a real, live answer on. Why, in nearly a season and a half, has there been absolutely, positively no interaction whatsoever -- no case work, no conversations, no nothing at all, between Horatio and Calleigh???? It makes no sense, and is becoming a circumstance I think is worth noticing, and questioning. After all, Grissom and Catherine are colleagues and friends. Mac and Stella are colleagues and friends. Time was the same was true of Horatio and Calleigh. It's reaching the point of being ridiculous.

Like I said, this isn't a shipper thing - I believe CSIM is straying way too far from its roots as a team of mutual support, caring and "relatability." That was a huge part of its appeal to me in the beginning.

As TPTB walk away from that kind of connection, I find myself missing more and more of the shows.....I'm not invested in it, or the characters as real people working in concert with one another.

Any comments, thoughts or answers on this one?
I agree. It's like the two of them just avoid each other now, or something... I'm not all that happy with the way the writers have been messing with most of the characters, anyway... *cries*
There's a question thread stickied at the top of this forum.

It has been noticed, and it has been questioned, but unfortunately, nobody here is affiliated with the show and therefore cannot give you an absolute response. There's been speculation about everything from writers to actors to scheduling but nothing definitive. Someone even went to a gossip column about it, but I don't know what they managed to dig up, if anything. Whatever they would've found probably isn't very reliable, anyway. I believe CBS once said that they were having scheduling conflicts, but that idea is as ridiculous as it sounds. So really, nobody knows, and I'm afraid you probably aren't going to get the answer you're looking for.
Thanks for the replies so far! I'm not looking for 'answers' here - just opinions and thoughts about the trend of the show, and if anyone else is seeing the same things I am - not just with Horatio and Cal but the team as a whole and its interactions - especially since H seems pretty distant from his team these days compared to the connections they shared in the first few seasons.

Shows evolve and all, but this just seems strange to me. Hope to hear more from those in the forum!
I've definitely noticed that the show is missing the strong team dynamic that they had for the first two seasons. I hate this expression, but it seems to me like interactions between characters are pretty much "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am." There are less instances of characters working together for the common good, and there are fewer moments when characters show genuine concern for each other. A lot of the time, it seems to me like many of them are competing to be the first or the best, often rushing off to report or confirm their findings without telling their partner what they're up to, leading to this distrusting vibe that I keep getting.

On the Horatio front, I agree with you. It's not just with Calleigh, but with everyone. He seems detached a lot of the time, often staring off into space like he has some deep, dark secret he's been holding on to for too long, which I find kind of annoying. To be completely honest, I think that has something to do with Caruso's acting. Maybe it's just me, but his dramatic pauses have started really dragging out, to the point where by the time he finishes a sentence, I can barely remember how that sentence started. (So that may say a little bit more about my short term memory, but you know what I'm getting at.)

Oh, by the way, welcome to the forum! :)
Now that Caruso just had a second child with his girlfriend, Liza Marquez, maybe she doesn't want him hanging around anyone as beautiful as Emily Procter.
Well it's been noticed, definately, & yes, it's more than a "shippy" thing. I've mentioned before if it were Mac/Stella or Cath/Grissom (whom none I ship, btw) would it seem odd? I think it would be.
The overall interaction of the team is a bit disappointing. I think the problem is that they have inflicted too much "personal" issues on each CSI, all in one season. We have Horatio who has just found his son, so he is all about Kyle (which he really should be), but it does take away his connection to the team, in my opinion.
Calleigh is in a world of her own as well, for once in her csi:Miami life, putting love before her career.
Ryan is just getting back into the swing of things after being fired, having to push a little more to earn respect around the lab. That's what it seems like to me anyway.
Natalias' struggling w/ shooting. That could be frustrating.
Eric's shooting aftermath has him on a rollercoaster, memory loss, hallucinations, all around confusion.
Thats alot of drama for all these characters.
It could be the problem, or not.
I fully agree w/ you on this, though. It's one thing to have personal real life it happens, it's another to completely overwhelm them & viewers w/ all of it.
I personally enjoy the drama, I only wish they could still manage to squeeze in more discussion about the cases & in more than groups of 2. More light hearted scenes, more fun, & Horatio interact w/ Calleigh. At this point, all I really would like is there to be a connection again.