I voted for Danny, because I think he's the most likely one to be in danger next season...
After seeing how they played up his knack for rushing into things without thinking (banging the Nazi's head into the ground, running into a fire fight without his bulletproof vest, etc) it's pretty obvious he's riding for a fall. The writers seem to love Danny drama/angst too, and we know Carmine can deliver...so why the hell not?
Personally I hope it's not Danny. As I said, the writers love Danny drama, and even though I love the guy (or at least more of how he was in the past), I'm kind of bored of seeing him in danger. He was in trouble with the Tanglewood Boys twice, with Mac multiple times, with the law in On the Job when he shot Minhas, and the whole Ruben thing last season. Give it a rest!
I would love it if they focused on a character that hasn't been used so recently this past season. This past season began with a Mac in danger situation, and the episode before the finale dealt with Stella. The finale put alot of focus on Flack dealing with Angell's murder and finding her killer. We've already had Sid in danger with the radiation poisoning, so they could probably give him a rest for a while, too. And with the whole DL storyline, I'm done with Lindsay...so I'd rather it not be her.
Adam or Hawkes wouldn't be bad though. I'm kind of leaning towards Adam, just because I love him more, and for some reason I love it when my favorite characters get beaten up....I was a sucker for the Danny stuff earlier in the show's run
But still....I think its going to be Danny. Sigh.