"The Chick Chop Flick Shop" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Well, we can't all love the same episode... and we're not always going to have an episode with a ton of scenes of everyone's favorite character.

But at least add ONE scene with Warrick!!! Although it wouldn't have been totally satisfying, just watching him process for thirty seconds out of an hour, it would have made me feel a lot better bout the ep!!!

Edited to add that I looked it up on IMDb... Gary's credited under that ep, so I dunno, WAS he in that ep? I thought I was paying pretty close attention, but maybe he had a small scene that slipped.
I thimk with IMDB if they're in the credits for the show it shows that they were in every episode. Check Formalities & see if it list JF. Or Gumdrops for WP.
Jorja wasn't in formalities?? Wow, never noticed.


I agree with everyone else about the feeling of Ronnie being shoved down my throat. Gahhhhh. XP
I don't remember Marg being in Random acts... back in season 3, but still credited. They're officially part of the main cast, so they're going to be credited for each episode regardless if they have a scene in them or not. WP was credited for those episodes last season when he was gone.

I don't see it as Ronnie "shoved down my throat". In this episode, I see it as logically the one in peril - being a young woman, and the newbie on the team. I don't see many of the other team members freaking out in that situation. She even mentioned when she & Catherine began searching for clues in the studio that she was already freaked out. Catherine just kind of chuckled at her.
usualy IMDB is pretty accurate with listing the cast of every ep, but they DO make mistakes. Billy is listed as Credit only for Gum Drops for example, meaning he was in the credits but didn't appear in the ep. i think the same thing should've been done with Gary and TCCFS.
IMDB is my source for movies and Tv Shows. They are very accurate. Although they can be wrong. Jorja Fox isn't on some of their credits for a couple of Season 8 episodes, she was definately in those episodes.
In regards to Ronnie i have seen her in only one eppy and i quite like her i think Sara was rather mean to her in the first eppy having a go at her for asking questions u dnt learn if u dnt ask i think she will b interesing i just hope season 8 isnt the final season of csi
I've been a fan of CSI from the beginning, so I consider myself fairly well versed with the universe in which the episodes exist. I personally really enjoyed this episode. I think Ronnie is an enjoyable, and attractive, addition to the cast, and I hope to see more of her in the future. I thought the humor was brilliant, and the many homages to different films, such as Ronnie picking up the toilet cover like Adam in Saw, really made the episode. It was a good break from the norm, such as the miserable and depressing stories that are making Sara reconsider her employment. And I honestly think that you should all be a little less harsh on Ronnie. She's a new character, and I think it is a nice touch to introduce some new blood into the show. Props to the CSI crew for this episode!