The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

To be honest, I just didn't really like the character because I thought, IMO, that the mole and whole pregnancy-scare-love-triangle storylines were a complete waste of screentime. And now, Natalia gets all these personal storylines, while most of the other characters get diddly squat. lets go through the list:

Horatio: Well, except Horatio, because it's him. Ok, he got the whole brother thing and Suzie and Madison (what ever happened to them?) and Marisol *shudder*

Eric: Well, the only personal storyline Eric ever got was Marisol, and that was hijacked by Horatio anyway, and he kinda got the thing with Natalia, but as I said, that was a wasted storyline.

Calleigh: A few epsiodes have sorta been personal for Calleigh, with her dad and all, and her friend dying at the end of season 1, but thats about it. (oh, and that one episode in season five with her ex).

Ryan: Well, Ryan has got diddly squat, except for his eye. Yeah, instead of any personal information, lets give him a nail in the eye. I'm sure that will be just as good! (oh, and the love-traingle garbage too)

Yelina: Well, she had the whole Ray thing, but that was kinda overtaken by Horatio (and no disrespect to Horatio, but it's true)

Valera: Well, Valera is hardly even on the show anymore, because it seems Natalia is doing all her work, and if she's not doing the work, she handing out the reports, that Valera apparently couldn't hand out herself.

Speed: Oh don't even get me started. The only almost-personal storyline he ever got was Wally, and that doesn't really count. I mean, we did see his parents at the end of the episode that never happened (Lost Son), but that doesn't really count either.

Natalia: Mole storyline, love triangle, getting every opportunity to fight with Eric for no apparent reason, the pregnancy scare. Then there was becoming a CSI for one reason or another, her abusive ex coming back and now her sister has gone missing?

And I don't really mind a show being centred around the characters personal lives like NYPD Blue or Greys Anatomy, if thats what the show was like from the beginning, as was with Greys Anatomy and NYPD Blue, but to turn it from Crime to Crime/Drama to Soap Opera winthin one season was kinda a really stupid idea, IMO. Whatever happened to the crime aspect of it?

*wipes brow* Sorry bout that, I kinda had that rant brewing for almost a week...
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I agree with absolutely everything that Carly said, and since it's already been said, I'm not going to bother repeating it. I'll just add that, there is another reason I don't like BV. Her attitude, or personality, or... something, just rubs me the wrong way. I don't know why. It's just one of those things. I think Eva La Rue is a beautiful and talented woman, I just don't like the character she plays.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

SpunkySparky said:
I happen to like Natalia but I wanted to ask a question to those of you who aren't fans. It seems to me that the writing of this show started to change, the direction tptb wanted to go in changed, more towards relationships which has made some shows like Grey's Anatomy very successful. Natalia is the character they decided to make this change with. Are you guys just not liking the character or more upset that its a new character versus a character that has been on the show longer that is getting more of a storyline?

Spunky - CSI -Miami is/was a popular show before Grey's Anatomy came along. Obviously they have a good thing going without copying GA. Also it's the original that's up against GA NOT Miami. So are you saying you think Miami is trying to do a GA bend? Cuz - they're crime writers and NOT soap opera writers. Two very different genre's.

My beef is with the lame character of Snake woman. She's the mole. She's a snitch. She's NOT a cop or a real CSI! She's just been thrown in there and I want her thrown right back out! She's ruining the chemistry of what made Miami good in the first place imo. :mad:
I also resent her sophomoric attempts to bring drama to the show. The writers have given her really dumb dialogue. Chasing two guys in the office? Sorry - hate this character on so many levels - she's a waste of time for me! I'm rooting for Nick - the ex to expose her for what she really is - a user/snitch!
At this point - there is nothing that the writers can do to change my mind. Luckily - my friends feel the same way. Even my mom said the other week - that woman is beyond annoying - when will she be gone?? :D

Wish I had the answer to THAT question! :lol:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I myself dislike the fact she was the MOLE even if she did as she claims and only said nice things to Feds she still betrayed people who trusted her.

And yet what have we heard about this so far? Hardly anything only Ryan appears to remember the fact that Boa was the Mole what’s with that? :confused:

The jump to CSI from Lab tec could possibly be explained away by Horatio's running off to have REVENGE! :rolleyes: and the PTB using this op to give her a job (what’s the betting her funding went bye bye when she was outed) I don't think H would have taken her on himself if he'd been there.

Then her storylines now if there had been fall out from her being the mole if that had been explored and we were told why she'd done it I for one might have liked her more or excepted her at the lest. I can easily think of a way to tie why she agreed to be mole into the creepy ex storyline.

I can understand why people are peed off with her it's like the PTB are trying to get us to like her (and forget she the mole) by throwing Boa's personal dramas at us one after the other, if they came later in the season rather than so soon into it perhaps we who dislike her might have grumbled but not so :devil: as we have been.

I'd rather see the whole story line of the death of Horatio's mother and father tied up than more Boa even if the creepy ex is interesting and hopefully he’ll not turn out to be a graduate of the Snidely Whiplash school of villainy but genuinely scary.

Btw Eva is a lovely, pretty and talented woman I just sadly dislike her character.

Spunky I hope we have helped you so far in understanding why we don't like her.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Well said people! I meant to add that I too don't have anything against Eva either. Infact - I even remember her on All My Children and she was great when she played opposite John Callahan - who I even think she was married to for awhile. She was great with him and she's aged very well.
I just don't like her character here at all. She's a mole and a snake!
I want her to leave - sorry!!
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

You guys have been a help in furthering my understanding. Its hard for me to be completely objective because I only started to watch this show when I found out Eva would be on. The nice thing to hear is that people like Eva even if they do not like Natalia. It must be frustrating for those of you who have watched from the beginning to have your favorites not get the amount of storyline that Natalia has been getting. I do agree with you guys that the writing of this character hasn't been stellar going from mole one day to csi investigator the next.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread posed an excellent question, thanks so much for asking it. :) If you wouldn't mind one more viewpoint, I'd like to post my thoughts as well, I'm sure I'll repeat what others have already said, though.

To answer your question, for me it's a combination of the two.

Right off the bat the character just never clicked for me. She rubbed me the wrong way starting in 'From The Grave' and though I tried to remain open minded where she was concerned, it just never got any better as S4 progressed. She's getting far too much character development/storylines this season thus far, I'd rather see more development of our long term characters first (for example, Eric-we need some good character development for Eric, having him sleep around and lose his badge because of it or testing positive for pot does not count as 'good' character development, in my opinion). I'd like to have seen them save the Natalia character development until more of the fans are used to and accepting of her.

I tried to start fresh with this character this season, but I've seen nothing thus far to make me change my mind. And, to tell you the truth, that bothers me, I want to like all the main characters on what was once one of my favorite shows, but with this character I just can't. What's worse, in this case the character I dislike is potrayed by an actress I really like and respect.

I won't get into how repugnant I found the whole baby scare and love triangle storylines, but they are so out of place on a CSI series, even on Miami which has always been more 'over the top' than either NY or LV. If I wanted "Grey's Anatomy" or "OC" style storylines, then I'd watch those shows. To be fair though, I do realize that not all the soapy storlines from S4 centered around or involved Natalia. ;)

That brings me to the whole 'mole' storyline. I actually found this storyline interesting at first, but its execution and resolution really left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm sorry...the whole, "I only reported good things." argument just doesn't hold water with me. Nor does saying, "well technically it was Peter and Cooper, so Natalia wasn't really the mole". She was placed in the lab to spy on them, and it doesn't matter to me what she reported, she still reported it, and that in and of itself is still a betrayal. And to go from Ann D. last season saying something like, "obviously this person will have to leave the lab" to this season not only having "this person" still in the lab, but also making her a CSI just boggles my mind. The only conclusion that I can come to on this is that maybe Natalia wasn't originally intended to be the mole, I do recall in an early S4 episode that Eric pretty much flat out accused her of it and she denied it. Now if she were intended to be the mole since the inception of the storyline, I guess that would be another thing that wouldn't earn her any points in my book.

I could actually go on longer, but I think I got the main points of my major issues with this character across, or I hope I did anyway. I will say that I am more than willing to have my mind changed about the character, but tptb will need to pull a mighty big rabbit out of their hats in order to accomplish it.

Again, these are only my opinions, I don't claim to speak for everyone. ;)

SpunkySparky said:
Its hard for me to be completely objective because I only started to watch this show when I found out Eva would be on.

Coming from someone who only started watching once she discovered Rory Cochrane was on the show, I can say I completely understand where you're coming from. ;)
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Wow, this thread is a-rockin, hehe. SpunkySparky,what a great question! There have been many great responses and I hope no one minds that I chime in my own opinion, heh.

As I've stated before, I am extremely bitter with the fact that she was made a CSI w/o any explanation. She was in fact the mole, and despite only saying good things, still betrayed the lab. And like Talcat stated earlier, the only person who still has any beef with it, is Ryan. It's as if everyone else caught a case of amnesia.

Had tptb given an explanation to why she was made a CSI, I think I would've given the character another chance. I also feel that her character was poorly written - the storylines they put her in were just complete and utter bunk. I can understand an office romance, but the triangle? The baby scare? *shakes head* There was so much potential with her...but, I think that was all blown to you know where.

I am trying hard to give her another shot with S5 but it's as soon as I think, "well, okay..." something happens that turns me off immediately. I will say that the whole Nick storyline has me intrigued; I feel that his character is there to prove that perhaps we don't know NBV as well as tptb think we do.

I apologize if this has all been said already, but that's just my two cents. :) Eva rocks - I think she's a great actress who is doing a great job as Natalia. It's unfortunate that I don't like the character.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Just popping in to say I think part of the problem that I have to agree with is the fact that the "Mole" wasn't known to the stars, as they didn't want anything given away even a hint. Eva had said (its in the news articles on this site) that when she found out, she thought she was out of a job and jumped on the phone saying Oh my god I'm the mole? and thinking she had lost her job.

I think the problem with the mole storyline, was the fact they had way too many suspects, being juggled, normally I would have probably been upset if it weren't for the fact that they have been under investigation how many times? and from an inside source (which was long before Natalia came on the scene) and she did inform them of that, and when asked by calleigh basically confirmed it was on a local level long before she got there.

I am not saying this excuses her from being the mole, and I agree an explaination on how they got from point A to point B would have been nice, maybe it will come up along the way who knows. thats just my thoughts on it, Since I like the character, but its nice to see that folks don't put the character and the actress in the same catagory.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

You know what all of your explanations have showed me. The show is getting into sloppy writing and not giving equal time to each character. I can only imagine if they wrote this character correctly how many more fans of Natalia there would be. So many people keep saying they like Eva but hate Natalia. If the writers had done better then you'd see people liking both.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

SpunkySparky said:
You know what all of your explanations have showed me. The show is getting into sloppy writing and not giving equal time to each character. I can only imagine if they wrote this character correctly how many more fans of Natalia there would be. So many people keep saying they like Eva but hate Natalia. If the writers had done better then you'd see people liking both.

Well this isn't an actress bashing thread - it's the character we don't like. And while I've liked Eva in other things - I'm not sure she was a good cast in this role. I'm not believing the cop stuff, but wait...... Snake isn't a cop is she?? :eek:
What exactly are her qualifications - damsel in distress??
If tomorrow's eppy is all about her being yet a victim again through her sister's ordeal - I don't know if I can watch!!
Great explanations people - well said. I was so pissed when the mole wasn't canned. The entire season 4 built up to that reveal and we were robbed! No justice or closure - she gets rewarded for being the mole. It just makes me :mad:
Tptb yanked our chain all season!

Snake needs to go! :D
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

^^ i whole heartedly agree...

i think ELR is a fantastic actress but she has been poorly done by in the execution of her character. We see everyone else getting these steady streams of character development...not too much, yet enough. And then NBV comes along and its just layered on.
The episode that is going to be shown tonight is a perfect example. When you put it with the moleness, the triangle and the faux-pregnancy its too much. How many characters have had that much development in the series other than horatio?!?! Ryans been around for 2 years and we know almost nothing about him, with Calleigh we get the repeated storyline about her dad - a new one would be nice!, Eric has had the sister thing but thats when put into context wasn't really a development as such.

Pace is a very important thing when writing a character and imo NBV is setting up for a large crash and burn because of the lack of pace in her development. The balance needs to be restored and better plot lines thrown together that dont make her look like the miami dade sl*t. Then i would probably start liking her. In fairness to ELV its not her fault in terms of the sriting after all shes only acting out whats shes told to, so come on writer get that spark back we saw in s's 1,2 and 3!

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I don't know if it had been mentioned but the Early Show had ELR on and she said that they did film some sences where it explained that she had worked really hard over the summer and explaind a lot of other things. they were going to be within the first two eppys but didn't make the cut. I think if they would of kept something it would of helped. Well maybe. Even if TPTB would have done that, we might of still ended up hating her.
Man do I feel do I feel ike an idiot....I like Natalia...only because she's pretty and she used to work cold cases......and I named my cellphnoe 'BoaVista'

Other than that......I really
Glad I found this thread.

I agree with alex21591. I find her incredibly annoying, partly because she's getting loads of good storylines while Ryan, my favourite character has got none. She's only been in it for 5 minutes! Ryan had the storyline about his eye but that was it and we know nothing about his past or about him really. I wish they'd spread the storylines a bit more evenly.

And Eric's been in it since the beginning and when was they last time there was a story about him? There's his sister but the writers have turned that into being more about Horatio than Eric.