Well, for me at least, the biggest problem was LF. There I said it. Flame me. He never fit, no matter how they wrote his character. Square peg, round hole.
I'm not saying he's not a good actor, and he certainly is successful, but sometimes it just isn't the right fit. I said from the beginning LF was too imposing an actor to blend into an ensemble show without overpowering the other actors. And that's probably more of a compliment to him personally than a criticism. His first few episodes as a newbie were somewhat charmingly awkward, but that's not LF. He can be light, I guess, but most of his character roles have been dark and intense, like the Ray we ended up with. That's the type of role he does well. And, being a big screen star doesn't necessarily translate well to the small screen. So, for those of you who liked LF on CSI, we will just have to agree to disagree. This will be the last I speak of it.
All that said, this is exactly why I like the choice of Danson. He's a well respected TV star, recognizable to many, and has tried a variety of roles. Although he mostly is remembered for comedy, he certainly has branched out and been successful in several genres. Most importantly, he's had experience being part of an ensemble, as the lead and, more recently, as a supporting character.
Certainly, a surprise casting move; but a pleasant surprise, IMO. It's hard not to be curious as to how he will fit in. But I am optimistic. Now, I just want to know who will be coming back, ASAP!