talkCSI awards... wanna do it again?


Lab Technician
I remember back in '05 we had TalkCSI awards. Here's how it went down. This is only the votes, I could not find the actually nominations and stuff.

How would everyone like if we did it again?

We had:
Best Looking Forumer
Best Newbie
Favourite Admin
Favourite Moderator
Funniest Forumer
Most Helpful Forumer
Most Infamous Forumer
Most Respected Forumer
Best Signature, Banner
Best Signature, Banner
Best Avatar
Favourite Quote from Forumer
Favourite Forum
Favourite Thread
Best Fanfic Writer/LV
Best Fanfic Writer/Miami
Best Fanfic Writer/NY
Best Avatar Maker/LV
Best Avatar Maker/Miami
Best Avatar Maker/NY
Best Wallpaper Maker/LV
Best Wallpaper Maker/Miami
Best Wallpaper Maker/NY
Best Banner Maker/LV
Best Banner Maker/NY

So how about it? I remember it was such fun.
Mods, if you don't think this is appropiate, then lock, and I apologize..
No. And it was 06

It was all screwed up last year because of a few posters, who wanted to ruin it.

I've ran it three times and last year I had enough. Yes, I think it's fun too but some people take it too seriously and ruins it. And then it isn't fun. Because it gets "popularity contest" You suggest your best buddies, then someone comes "aww, no one nominates me" and then someone comes "awwww, I nominate you!"

I was thinking of something similar, but perhaps between threads and forums and leave members categories off.
Oh I see. And the thread said 2005 I think it was like Dec 05 / Jan 06.

I had no idea there was so much tension in the awards. I always remember people saying "Oh lemme prepare an acceptance speech :lol:" or something like that.
Well, if that's what would happen then don't do it again. I respect your decision :)
I am agreeing with the duck, because I know alot of people had hurt feelings, and the tension and headaches of it all, not enough vodka in the world for the duck to repeat that. :lol:
I don't think I was one of those people, but if I was I'm sorry and I know that I've become more mature since then.
Aww guys, see people always looked at it like it was hard to watch others nominated, others thought of and to "lose" or was great to be nominated, or great to be thought of, even better to "win". -- The only problem I ever saw on that and this is just my opinion and one we tried to reassure everyone on is that no matter what the out come everyone was, and is a winner. This site wouldn't be what it is without its members, a lesson we all learned the hard way (which is usually the best way to learn in my opinion).

I am not just saying this to make people feel better, or give ego boosts, but because its the truth. In some respects the awards was fun, I think though in the idea of it, but when the process began, it went from fun to difficult to say the least. So therefore if Ducky & Wibble will allow what I am about to do then listen up. (if they don't then shhh and pass them the vodka) :lol:

The TalkCSI Award For Best member Goes To: *drum roll, anticipation, breath held*....

ALL THE MEMBERS OF TALKCSI For everything all the good you have done, for all support you have given, and most of all for being smart enough to join this site and dedicate yourselfs to it, to the point it looks to others like you don't have a life. :lol:

Congradulations everyone now lets have the food and drinks and be happy to have a site that even though goes down at times is here for us as we are for the site. *Steps away and heads for the food (since is 11 am here the coffee lol but you get the point)*

Now how was that for an awards in less then ten minutes we had all the nominees, we had the speech and we announced the winners. :lol:

[Note to Ducky and Wibble, *hands over vodka* forgive me :D if I stepped on keys but gotta admit it was short to the point and fun for all]
Aww thanks Destiny, that was sweet! :lol: :)

*passes vodka* I wasn't here for the last one, but I can imagine how it went. I've read through the last thread, poor Ducky.
*takes all vodka that has been offered* :devil:

The only mistake was that I thought "Oh well, I can leave it open for the night and lock it in the morning"


I may pick a few categories that doesn't cause so much trouble and do the poll with those.

I was thinking of "Fave Thread" but then it goes (shipper threads are quite popular :p ) that if GSR wins they go cheering and then Grillows-people get annoyed or that CarWash (oh geez, I can't believe I know these terms) win then.... E/C shippers will be annoyed... or whatever.

Will think.