[T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

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Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

Natty, glad to see you made it back in time. Now get your ass into gear, girl :guffaw::guffaw:
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

oh No, im not gonna get a chance to enter this one:(, and i missed the last, im really am having a bad year, but i will definately be voting, and im looking forward to seeing, what all you talented artists will come up with:devil:
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

I am totally convinced that I will enter three pieces but right now I am lacking a third idea. Hopefully my muse is gonna kiss me till the 30th.
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

DragonflyDreamer and BonaTaylor, thanks for your help.

Got two entries ready now. Don´t dare a third one. :D
Unfortuately upload at photobucket doesn´t work.

Can anyone help me out with this?
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

(...) Got two entries ready now. Don´t dare a third one. :D
Unfortuately upload at photobucket doesn´t work.

Can anyone help me out with this?

Imageshack may be an alternative. Can anyone tell me how to downsize ypur picture to 800 x 600 with imageshack?
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

^ If you are uploading over imageshack.us, then you can chose from a drop down menu if you wanna resize your image. Hope that helps.
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

I´m afraid not. :( Anyways PMed DragonflyDreamer my upload attempt and asked her to get my size right. ;)

Edit: Meg received them. Everything fine. *grin
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Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

Ohw, nice to see the walls are rolling in. Can't wait until the 30th to see what we all came up with. :thumbsup:
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

Okay all three of mine is in I hope. lol Can't wait to see what everyone has done.
Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #24: Accent Color ~ Now Up!

Wallpaper are due in about 24 hours!

In order to have three categories, I need at least one more intermediate wallpaper, and at least two more advanced wallpapers. Of course, I'll accept any number for any category ;)

I'm officially challenging you folks to meet the requirements without me having to extend the deadline.
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