TNT has quietly acquired the off-network rights to The CW's veteran drama "Supernatural."
Repeats of the series will air weekdays at 10:00 AM ET beginning with the pilot episode on Monday, January 4. Subsequent installments will follow in their original broadcast order:
Monday, January 4 - Pilot
Tuesday, January 5 - Wendigo
Wednesday, January 6 - Dead in the Water
Thursday, January 7 - Phantom Traveler
Friday, January 8 - Bloody Mary
Monday, January 11 - Skin
Tuesday, January 12 - Hook Man
Wednesday, January 13 - Bugs
Thursday, January 14 - Home
Friday, January 15 - Asylum
Monday, January 18 - Scarecrow
Tuesday, January 19 - Faith
Wednesday, January 20 - Route 666
Thursday, January 21 - Nightmare
Friday, January 22 - Benders, The
Monday, January 25 - Shadow
Tuesday, January 26 - Hell House
Wednesday, January 27 - Something Wicked
Thursday, January 28 - Provenance
Friday, January 29 - Dead Man's Blood
Also on the books is a special 10-hour marathon on Monday, February 15 featuring some of the show's most memorable episodes:
9:00 AM - Tall Tales
10:00 AM - Hollywood Babylon
11:00 AM - Folsom Prison Blues
12:00 PM - Bad Day at Black Rock
1:00 PM - Mystery Spot
2:00 PM - Monster Movie
3:00 PM - Yellow Fever
4:00 PM - Criss Angel is a Douchebag
5:00 PM - After School Special
6:00 PM - Monster at the End of This Book, The :lol: I think that's awesome

even though I have all the episodes on dvd's I just might still have to catch these. After all the more the merrier :lol: