Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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I hate you, Ducky (j/k) ! I want cold too! It's only about -2 here and I'm so stupid. I jumped around in those things with a lot of water (after rain, don't know how you call them in English :p) but I forgot it was freezing so my feet are soooo cold now. :lol: It snowed today but it didn't stay on the ground, it was too hot for that.
MissRoosFox said:
I hate you, Ducky (j/k) ! I want cold too! It's only about -2 here and I'm so stupid. I jumped around in those things with a lot of water (after rain, don't know how you call them in English :p) but I forgot it was freezing so my feet are soooo cold now. :lol: It snowed today but it didn't stay on the ground, it was too hot for that.

I heard on the other day that in whole Europe, January was amazingly warm and the "warmest" country was indeed Holland.

*sends cold weather*
i really hope it snows tommorow , lots and lots of snow so we the day off school! i cant think of a single good thing happening tomorow at school
DaWacko yes you´ve right, in europe is to warm. Here in germany is it today -4°C - -6°C ok, -32°C is really heavy but for us here is -6°C a lot :lol: when we get -32°C i can´t move :lol:
Its 11 degrees farenhieght in Ohio. Snowed 5 niches yesterday. Was pretty happy abouti t all, stayed in all day. *squee!*
^ I am so jealous. Where is the snow I was promised. Lying weather forecast!! :lol:

It's about 2c here, and I am really hoping for snow overnight....Pretty snow *sighs*
^ *splutters* there's no snow up your way yet? :eek: Well, the weather forecasters say the snow storm is moving north, so hopefully you'll get some snow this afternoon or evening :)
wibble said:
^ *splutters* there's no snow up your way yet? :eek: Well, the weather forecasters say the snow storm is moving north, so hopefully you'll get some snow this afternoon or evening :)

*as if by magic* yay! It is now snowing....big, fat snowflakes! So beautiful.
Snow, snow, snow baby! We've had about 4 inches of snow and it’s still going strong! :eek:

I’ve just heard on the news that the highest level of snow recorded so far is 10 inches, and that was in Worcester! :eek:
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