Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Do you suffer from uncontrollable drooling, hot flashes, or sweating while watching Nick Stokes on CSI? Does the mere mention of the name 'Nick Stokes' send your heart a flutter? Do Texan accents reduce you to a puddle on the floor? Are you a sucker for chocolate brown eyes? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then congradutlations, you just might have Stokes Syndrome! So welcome to the ward where there are many fellow sufferers. Previous syndrome threads can be found here:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 and Part 10

Please note, this is not to be confused with a non-picture/non-syndrome general discussion thread
While we want everyone to enjoy their time here we of course have to be mindful of the following rules:
1. Max picture size is 400X400, any larger must be posted through URL
2. You may post one large (400X400) two medium (130X130) or three small (115X115) pictures in each post
3. Please limit 6 URLs to each post. When asked for a title for your clickable URL please put something like 'cutie pie' instead of putting the web address again as it stretches out the screen
4. Please leave manipulated pictures to the art forum. This is the place for Nick in his natural glory
5. Note that 'hotlinking' is not allowed. This is when you post an image directly from a site that you do not own. Please upload it onto your own site or use the URL link.
6. We know that Nick inspires certain naughty thoughts, but this is a PG13 board and there are minors. Please keep all images and comments appropriate to the board standards. We like when Destiny joins us but we don't want her to bring the hose in to cool us down.
7. This is a non-spoiler thread. All pictures or comments about upcoming episodes should be left in their own threads.

Those are the rules, have fun and enjoy yourselves. We do ask that you clean up any drool messes, you can find mops and drool buckets by the door.

GO Nicky, it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's your birthday, and you know we don't give a $%#! it's not your birthday!

ETA: Not to nag, but allmaple, I think you meant to type "Please note" instead of "Please not" ;)

Sorry, future English major over here! Just picky...
*Follows cofi_shot's lead and sets up bed in the intensive care unit, fully decked out with posters of our favorite Texan*
sorry about that, i fixed it. im on my way out so could someone just make a post about the theme for anyone new joining us?
I'm thinking the theme is: Nick is wearing an open shirt and holding an object of some kind... picture has to have both elements to be considered for theme

Someone correct me if I am wrong
Quoting from the previous thread :)

Now on to the theme. nick came up with an idea awhile ago about putting 2 theme ideas together to come up with one theme and I like that. So what I would like to see is Nick or George in an open nick whoops I mean neck shirt holding something. The something can be another person, a piece of evidence, a phone, paper, or any object. Have some fun with this theme idea and lets see if it works. I hope this makes sense.

Now I am not going to set a limit as I will be leaving the ward Friday Morning to go on a business trip for the weekend. I will be home Sunday afternoon and should get a winner annoucned late afternoon early evening.

eta: Yeah happy I think that pretty much sums it up lol.
EEEK!!!! A new thread!!! Yay us :D :cool: we rock!!! George rocks and he's hot!!!

Wow you girls are fast :D .

And I'd just like to say that I finally watched the pre-Logies thing with George on line (my mom has DSL now so it finally loaded) and let me tell you, he is the cutest, sweetest, most atractive man out there, I love him, if i saw him on the street i'd kiss him :D i would too, I have already done it to two cutie male celebs, I'd do it to George as well ;)

And congrats Happy on winning,i love the new theme idea, I will sbmit my pics right now:

Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3 yeah it's a jump suite, but it fits the criteria ;)
Theme 4
Theme 5 one of my fave pics of him :D
Theme 6

Ok I think i'm the first to sub mit pics, now some one post after me so I can put in 6 more :D

PS, the two other hot guys I met were Ty Pennington and Adriano Moreas, both smelled very good, both very sweet, and both had soft skin!! ;) ( ok I only had my hand on Ty's back, but for like 4 minuts and i rubbed it!! :D, wile I was at a book sighning of his, though I did kiss Adriano on the cheek... thats it I want 7 husbands, one fir every night :lol: ok I'm loopy :D )

And that's why if I met George I would kiss him and hug him, becouse I want to , and he'd let me too ;)

Ok seee ya girls later :cool:

I didn't win.. Jacquie did.

I was just repeating the theme in case she wasn't around to repeat it herself, sorry for the confusion
Oooh, sorry :lol: I'm silly, let's do this again: Good theme Jacquie I love Nick in an open shirt, and hopefully others did not submitt before me, becouse i just got in here after the new thread apeared, so....

here are 6 more, and if these have been used, tis ok:

Theme 7
Theme 8
Theme 9
Theme 10
Theme 11 He's holding her :D
Theme 12

All right, after the embarissment, I'm going to check the last thread, to check it all out ;)
Hey, someone out there, did Jacquie say when she was going to be back to announce the winners? Cuz I'm leaving tomorrow, and I might be gone for about a week.

I don't want to submit pics, and by some unlikely chance win and then leave you guys hanging for a week or so... did that make sense?

ETA: I've changed my avvie three times today :lol:
I can't decide on which one I like...
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