Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Ho hum...

*Sings out of key*

Oh where oh where did my little heart go, oh where oh where could she be...

*Waits not so patiently for new theme*

allmaple said:
hearty : how bout some random funness to pass the time?

That works pretty fine for me! I'm going to stare at those pix for the next 45 minutes until I can go home ;)
Hell, actually right now I'm getting paid for looking at Nicky! Thank God my boss isn't around :D
lol, I figured hearty would pick a new theme within seconds of her victory. Thanks for the "in the meantime" pics, maple.
Ok...completely off topic here, but just HOW DOES Marg get her pants on???!!! I mean, come ON! They are spray painted on!
McStokes said:
Ok...completely off topic here, but just HOW DOES Marg get her pants on???!!! I mean, come ON! They are spray painted on!

she must be born with em :p
ok i just posted but it didnt work lol, no idea why

so anyway, woot woot i won, go me haha. sorry i havent been aro9und, been watching the soccer and shite. anyway...

ok so i know that nicky is often in alot of weird positions, ( :devil: snort giggle) and no im not thinking about that :devil: haha. ok so anyway, i want to see nicky in different positiones, for example, standing, leaning over, leaning against something, sitting, lying, squating, you name it lol. the pics can be of george or any of his characters, basically i want to see who can find the best pics with the widest range of positons, limit is 12, and i will pick the winner that has the most overall range of positions that i like.

ok ready.. GO
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