
Posted by shadow:
I was unhappy that they killed off Col. Sumner in the premiere episodes. I really liked him and think he would have made a good balance to all these witless scientists who can't see past their test tubes and nifty toys.
Well, here's some good news: Mitch Pileggi, best known (to me, anyways) as Assistant Director Walter Skinner on The X-Files, will be portraying Colonel Caldwell on Atlantis next season. He'll be arriving on the Daedalus and will be replacing Sheppard as the ranking military officer on the base.
I was just looking at movie websites and i found some funny quotes: :D
Sheppard: [after being chased by an alien probe] That was different.
O'Neill: For me... not so much.
Jackson: Jack, if it's not too late for me to go.
O'Neill: No.
Jackson:I'd just grab one these...
O'Neill: No.
Beckett: He fainted.
McKay: Oh there's gotta be a better word.
Beckett: Faint is a proper medical term.
McKay: I passed out from... manly hunger!
Posted by Badger:

Beckett: He fainted.
McKay: Oh there's gotta be a better word.
Beckett: Faint is a proper medical term.
McKay: I passed out from... manly hunger!

That was one darn funny scene :lol:

McKay is just so *sighs*

this is my fave ones:

Jack: Do you read The Bible, Teal'c?
Teal'c: It is a signigicant part of your culture. Have you not read The Bible, O'Neill?
Jack: Of course... Actually I'm listening to it on tape. Don't tell me how it ends.
Sam: It took us fifteen years and three supercomputers to MacGyver a way to power the gate.

^^ :lol I think that's just way too bad since RDA is in the show ;)

Lol :lol: nice,
Here are some more quotes,

Weir: The city can handle that? ?
McKay: Yes. Theoretically. ?
Sheppard: Like dinosaurs "turned into birds" theoretically or 'theory of relativity' ?theoretically? ?
McKay: [looks confused] What? Um, somewhere between. ?

Here's one i think is funny::lol:
?[Dr. McKay is wearing an Ancient personal force field generator] ?
Weir: I'm still trying to understand how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by ?having someone throw you off a balcony. ?
McKay: Oh, believe me, that's not the first thing we tried. ?
Sheppard: [Smug] I shot him. [Dr. Weir gives him "the look"] ?
Sheppard: In the leg! ?
McKay: I'm invulnerable! ?
Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific ?procedure must be adhered to? ?
McKay: [Smug] In-vul-nerable! ?

And my Signature
Those were hilarious! :lol: I loved that episode where Mckay has that invulnerability shield thing! :D
Posted by PsychoPere:
Posted by shadow:
I was unhappy that they killed off Col. Sumner in the premiere episodes. I really liked him and think he would have made a good balance to all these witless scientists who can't see past their test tubes and nifty toys.
Well, here's some good news: Mitch Pileggi, best known (to me, anyways) as Assistant Director Walter Skinner on The X-Files, will be portraying Colonel Caldwell on Atlantis next season. He'll be arriving on the Daedalus and will be replacing Sheppard as the ranking military officer on the base.

That is good news. Thank you!
Posted by Badger:
I'll try find some more to make you laugh :D

As i said i would find some more quotes and i did so here they are:

Dr. Daniel Jackson, Ph.D.: This tastes like chicken.
Capt.: So what's wrong with it?
Dr. Daniel Jackson, Ph.D.: It's macaroni and cheese.

Anubis: I am Anubis.
[President Hayes steps forward]
President Hayes: You've got to be kidding!
Anubis: You are the leader of this world?
President Hayes: Henry Hayes, President of the United States of America, one nation among many.
Anubis: No more. Bow before your god.
President Hayes: [laughing] I don't think so! However, I am willing to discuss your surrender.
Anubis: If you possessed weapons matching mine, you would have used them.
President Hayes: Don't let the suit fool you, fella. We're gonna fight you.
Anubis: You bring destruction upon yourselves.
President Hayes: [pointedly] Never going to happen.
[the Anubis hologram disappears and President Hayes turns around to face the others]
President Hayes: Too much?

[Anubis raises his hand to activate the weapon]
Daniel Jackson: Stop!
[Her'ak, Anubis' First Prime, fires his staff weapon at Daniel but the blast passes through him. Anubis rises from his throne]
Anubis: Stop me, if you can.
[Her'ak kneels behind them. Daniel raises his hands and they start to glow]
Anubis: Strike me down! Do it now or I will destroy Abydos!
[Daniel raises his hands higher and directs the energy at Anubis. It appears to be blown back as Anubis raises his hand to defend himself]
Daniel Jackson: No! Don't do this!
[Daniel is spirited away. Her'ak looks terrified]
Her'ak: [to Anubis] You are indeed all-powerful, my lord.
Anubis: What you just saw was not my doing.
[Her'ak seems confused. Anubis once again sits down]
Anubis: However, this is!
[He activates the weapon. It focuses on Abydos. A beam of energy is directed at the pyramid]

And I will find more to put up
*shakes head sadly* I really need to catch up on watching Stargate, i have only seen season one and breif episodes since... Hmmm, the movie sounds interesting, too... Kurt Russell is a good actor.
Sorry for spoling it for you :(, if i did :confused:.

And here's 1 more quote i found, short but funny :lol:
Baal: You dare mock me?
Colonel: Come on Ba'al, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
Posted by Badger:
Sorry for spoling it for you :(, if i did :confused:.

And here's 1 more quote i found, short but funny :lol:
Baal: You dare mock me?
Colonel: Come on Ba'al, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
You? Spoil it for me? *snickers* come on! I live on the internet! How can i not have had spoilors for it already? :lol:

Ahh... how i love O'neill's comebacks... :D
My fav. Character is DEFINATELY Carter (Amanda Tapping) She's the BESTEST!! I have never watched Atlantis 'cause I don't have cable or anything, but I don't think I'd like it as much...I'm to used to all the quirks on SG-1!!
^ Personally, I found Atlantis season one to be more enjoyable than SG-1 season eight (with an excellent cliffhanger finale, too, as opposed to SG-1's crappy, pointless finale).
i believe the SG-1 final was good although confusing at times. The atlantis series is probably the best by far but im so used to the old characters its hard to get into.
lets see the ideas for the end of altantis how are the alantis team going to get back to earth.