Lab Technician
IMHO Adam and Emily both need to go; and only because they started this whole nonsense and campaign to get Adam back.
Since when was Emily involved in the campaign to get Adam back full time? I wasn't aware that she had anything to do with it. As far as I know, fans of Adam/Eric started the petition, Facebook groups, encouraged others to write in to CBS to get Adam back full time. In fact, I believe in terms of organizing, Adam's Yahoo Fan Group did a lot of the work. While Adam is in touch with the owner/maintainer of the group, he does not control it, and merely expressed gratitude that he had so many fans who enjoyed him on the show.
I have lost all respect for Adam and Emily
Again, I wasn't aware that they were in control of the show. Do you have any evidence that they do? Sure, they can share ideas for what direction they want their characters to go in, but it's the writers who produce the stories, and the producers who have the most control. I guess I must have missed the article about how Adam and Emily threw tantrums and refused to come out of their trailers until they got their way. :lol:
THIS SHOW IS NOT CSI: CALLEIGH/ERIC!!!!:brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall:
Adam has been in 5 of 15 of the episodes that have aired so far. How is it CSI:Calleigh/Eric if there is no Calleigh/Eric in two thirds of the episodes?
I understand being frustrated that Ryan, Frank, and Natalia haven't been as prominent for a while, especially if they're some of your favorite characters. But blaming Adam and Emily for it when there's no evidence to prove that they're the ones calling the shots isn't really fair. Just as Adam's fans were free to start a petition to get him back on the show, or write into CBS, you have the right to start a petition to give other characters more screen time, and write to the execs expressing your displeasure.
I had read someplace else (can't remember where;its been months ago) that Emily and Eva both were trying to get him reinstated (so to speak). Forgive me for not remembering where. From now on I will bring it up immediately (as not to forget).
As far as the E/C act; just read the board. Not to mention all the fans screaming about his fulltime return; the continuation of the E/C drama and some fans wanting to keep both Adam and EC. This whole situation has overshadowed the season. Esp. with the will they or won't they; get married, have a baby; make everyone sick in the process. I call it the Calleigh/Eric fiasco. :brickwall::brickwall: I realize he has only been in a few epi.; but I prefer he not be there at all, b/c when he is everyone else suffers on screentime.
As far as having proof that they are in control; I don't think they have complete control (as you say); but they sure can influence or sway people. Adam has tweeted before; telling the fans if they want his return to write CBS. I am not saying anything that hasn't been out there for awhile. This whole thing has gotten out of control. IMO the actors themselves are not activly participating; but they fueled the already raging fire. It doesn't help the situation any when Adam tweets and leaves some of his fans to speculate on the situation.
Bottom line is Miami has too may actors to accomodate all of them without having to sacrifice someone permemantly or placing one on recurring status. I don't beleive Jon is that person. However, like some have mentioned TPTB will do what they want. And yes we have considered a petition for Jon's increased screentime.
Most of the time I read these posts and do not respond; but the speculation on Jon being the scrificial lamb because of his legal issue, should not even enter into this discussion. He is not as well known as some others who have been in trouble, but he is a big part of the series and would take a huge amount of fans with him; if he were to leave.
With that being said; I don't want to offend anyone.