Spice Girls


Lab Technician
So, within the next hour the Spice Girls should be announcing a one off tour for later in the year?

Is anyone a fan/was a fan :lol: Is anyone planning to attempt to get tickets.

The ticket allocation is going to be a lottery.

Spice Girls announce reunion tour

The band won four Brits, including a lifetime achievement award
The Spice Girls have confirmed they will reform for a 12-date world tour to begin in December.
The annoucement was made at a press conference at London's O2 arena which all five members attended.

The full line-up has not performed together since Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell quit in May 1998.

"I think for us it was about celebrating the past, enjoying each other and it's about our fans. It was the right time," said Halliwell.

The group will kick off their tour in Los Angeles in December, and will go on to perform in Las Vegas, New York, London, Koln, Madrid, Beijing, Hong Kong, Sydney, Cape Town and Buenos Aires.

Earlier this month Mel Chisholm, also known as Sporty Spice, told the BBC that any reunion would be for "a very short space of time... a final goodbye".

The singer added that she had resisted reforming the band in the past because "it was amazing, it was magical. We could never recreate it".

When asked at the conference why she had gone back on her word she said: "A girl is allowed to change her mind and also this is something that we have only seriously started this year really.

"I think really all of us have had our fears and doubts but we feel that the time is right."

All five women laughed and joked constantly with photographers and reporters, even jokingly booing one journalist.


i've registered for tickets *fingers crossed* I get some :rolleyes:
I was a huge fan. I had just about anything of merchendise that they had here. I even had all the barbie dolls. I may have to think about this tour. That would be kind of cool to see them live.
i used to be a fan, not obsessive though. they were really big when i was like in the 5th grade. but my best friend is obsessed, has been for the past 10 years. 20 yrs old and he still has spice girls posters...scary. anyway, i did love them back in the day, they were great. they just kinda got old for me since i have to listen to them all the damn time with him. he's been tellin me for two years that there was going to be a reunion tour and we were going and i didn't believe him...now not only do i have to eat my words theres a chance i'll have to go see them since he's registered us both for the US dates. oh well, it would still be totally awesome and fun...i would just never ever admit that to him. :lol:
I was a big fan years ago *gg* it would be amazing to see them live but im not gonna go crazy about it :p
i still love their songs though. *sighs* nice to see them do this for fans. :)
I think they are doin 3 US dates, LA, Vegas and NY *cough* they should replace LA with Miami :p

Knowing my luck I'll get selected for tickets for Madrid on the 23rd December when I'm already booked for Take That in Manchester, but needs must, if they are the only tickets I get offered I'm choosing Spice Girls over Take That.

When they came out back in the day In the Summer of 96 with 'Wannabe' I was an innocent 11 and was totally besotted. I own all albums and singles. Normally I would feel stupid at 22 being excited about the Spice Girls but I think a good 80% of those excited about the reunion are probably between 16-24 :lol:

I'm a little peed they are doing a ticket lottery. I was sat at my desk in work waiting for the news on my computer to come through with my Annual Leave card in hand ready to book a couple days off to go 200 miles south and of to Que at the Box Office in London :p, but now chances are I'll not get a ticket, even though I've registered everyone I know :rolleyes:

Fine, lets not go to Canada.

I think they have split the tour into dates per continent and not country. I agree its a little unfair to do all N.American dates in the States.

Major European countries have missed out. They have only put Madrid in because of the Beckham connection :rolleyes: Nothing in France, Italy or any of the Northern European countries, then they dates get even more sparse the further east they go.
Normally I would feel stupid at 22 being excited about the Spice Girls but I think a good 80% of those excited about the reunion are probably between 16-24
er.. :lol: im in that gap but i dont think im THAT excited. :p happy maybe.

they should replace LA with Miami
now if that happen, add me to the 80%! :lol:
I really loved the Spice Girls and so would be amazing to get to see them together again! But, it will probs cost me loads of money because i'll have to try and get tickets, and if I do, will have to travel to London and stay overnight somewhere!

It might be a good idea to enter loads of competitions for 2 tickets and a night in a London hotel, which is usually offered with radio comps or something like that!

I'd probs have more chance of getting tickets that way too!
I used to like the Spice Girls, though I wasn't such a big fan. But I really want to go on their reunion tour..because it could only happen once. I'm sort of angry that the NYC conert is in the middle of the week. :(. There is no way I could go now, with school and all, and my winter break starts the week after...Well, I guess maybe if they decide to do one more city?
Erm...Spice Girls really wasn't my type of music but... There was one song I always played because I think it was funny and catchy and summersong..tho I don't remember the name of it.

Anyways. What's the big idea behind this? I think they did this becaues Take That did comeback as well :rolleyes: IMO
The Take That reunion sparked a whole load of British pop bands to reform, All Saints, Five, East 17 and I think Boyzone are going to give it a go next year. All have fallen flat on their arse.

I do believe the Spice Girls will be as succesful as TT with the reunion. If not more so. SG are more globably known than TT. They are doing a lottery for tickets. That to me speaks volumes at the amount of demand there will be for tickets. This doesn't happen for any other artists. Only the likes of Live 8, Live Earth did that kind of ticket distribution.

SG won't be, well I highly doubt it anyway that they will release new material. Between the 5 of them only Melanie C can sing :rolleyes: :lol: They don't have the talent to restart a pop career. It was never about the ability of the girls vocals and songwriting back in the day. It was just the phonomenum that surrounded them and I think a one of 'Good Bye' tour is fab way to end it once and for all.

TT had/has amazing vocal and songwriting abiltu in Gary B, a talent which should have been dormant for 10 odd years so I'm glad TT are Back for Good :p excuse the pun.
With the Spices I just want a one off thing and them all to go away again lol :p

Have I made a point or have I rambles? :p
The Spice Girls are my guilty pleasure. I know all their songs by heart, and I used to own their videos and I used to memorize the dances :lol:
I never jumped on the Spice World band wagon, as much as others did back then, my brother was a bigger fan than I was :lol: But I'm begging, don't get me started on the Backstreet Boys :p