Spelling and Grammar

No matter how hard we try, when writing on message boards mistakes inevitably happen. No one is perfect and forums such as this one contain people from all over the world, fantastic of course, and absolutely a reason to let things like poor spelling and grammar to slide. Plus, compared to many places, this board is great. :lol: At least we don't have netspeak and other unintelligible prose that we have to wade through. ;)

Language and grammar is always changing, so I see no problem with disposing of the elements that are confusing and often misused anyway, it will make it easier and simpler for all. I have never really understood hyphens anyway, so it won't be a great loss, and I will still get to use one regularly, whenever I need to write my name out in full. :p
I am glad to know that I am not the only person who goes crazy trying to read some of the sloppiness that people call language, and I wouldn't even come close to considering myself a language purist. I can't say that I ever used hyphens that much, and I certainly did not know there were over 16,000 hyphenated words. You have to figure though that in this society the rules would be relaxed. Most people don't seem to know when to use your vs. you're or than vs. then or their vs. they're; let alone how to use a hyphen. It's actually quite sad.