Speedle/Calleigh/Delko - Cause Best Friends make the best lovers!

So I looked through the search and didn't find a thread for this threesome and I thought I'd make one! :D

Season 1-2 and the first episode of 3, we see a lot of great chemistry and interaction between Calleigh and Speed, Speed and Delko, and Delko and Calliegh, as well as the three of them together! :D

So this is a thread for the supporters of the threesome, which I hope there is quite a bit of out there! :D
Congrats on the new thread. For everyone new to Shipper Central or to TALK CSI the.. Shipper Central rules Can be found here. Please take a look at them before posting. That would be appreciated.

Thank you :D
Hey so I have never actually seen any of the episodes from season 1,2,or 3, I was introduced to CSI Miami in the middle of season 4 and have been addicted ever since!! On TV we're now up to episode 7.16 in the UK (Calleigh and Eric have only just got together) I have recently bought all available box sets in the Uk seasons 1 - 6. Last night I was watching bang bang your debt - delko was seeing speed alot, and it turned out cooper stole his card and using it, calleigh and eric found him and callaigh says how upset eric and her are.....I am now excited after finding this thread to watch all the earlier episodes to see what went on there :) I love calleigh and eric, i hear that in the US delko is now leaving and something bad has happened between C and E so i guessing that means they have brok eup :( so sad!!