HAHA! oh man, I would've loved to have seen him dance in Tinder Box...poor Rory, doesn't like to dance. That just makes me appriciate 'Dancing Lucas' even more. He probably didn't want to do that either...poor baby *huggles Rory*
haha, yeah, don't punk Rory...
OH! today, I have a biology exam, and I finished a bit early and I was so bored, I drew myself a little cartoon strip. It was a cross between 'the mustard is on aisle five' and 'the crazies aren't crazy', and this is how it went (to the best of my recolection). I went into a store and found that the mustard was on aisle five, which prompted me to fall on the floor in a fit of mancial laughter, which made the store manager come and ask if I needed any 'help' which made me scream "THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY!" which made him leave to get me some 'help'. When I noticed that he had left, I took the jar of mustard and ran away, leaving him to chase after me shaking his fist screaming "Come back you!" you can see, I'm really weird and I have a lot of time on my hands. Well the comic was kinda short and didn't really take long to draw considering that I can't really draw at all and everyone was in stick fingures...but I found it funny :lol:
haha, yeah, don't punk Rory...
OH! today, I have a biology exam, and I finished a bit early and I was so bored, I drew myself a little cartoon strip. It was a cross between 'the mustard is on aisle five' and 'the crazies aren't crazy', and this is how it went (to the best of my recolection). I went into a store and found that the mustard was on aisle five, which prompted me to fall on the floor in a fit of mancial laughter, which made the store manager come and ask if I needed any 'help' which made me scream "THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY!" which made him leave to get me some 'help'. When I noticed that he had left, I took the jar of mustard and ran away, leaving him to chase after me shaking his fist screaming "Come back you!" you can see, I'm really weird and I have a lot of time on my hands. Well the comic was kinda short and didn't really take long to draw considering that I can't really draw at all and everyone was in stick fingures...but I found it funny :lol: