Speed/Ryan- Slash#1: what if.......


what if Speed was still here. what do you think a relationship with Ryan would be like? to me i think they'd look very cute together. and they both are very similar, they both have a little bit of a rebellious side. and they are both very sweet and sexy. what do you guys think?
Are trying to imply that those to are GAY?no.im jk.i no ur not!
hahaha...ummm...If Speed was still there i dont think Ryan would be there...so, idk!
But if they both were on together! I LOOOOOOOVE IT!
i could see it, very AU, but i could see it. both kind of geekish *please don't hit me!* lol and both very caring people. i think they would get along well.

i'm strictly for HoratioSpeed but S/R is pretty interesting too.
It would be an interesting thing to see. If Speed treated Ryan like he treated that kid in "Wannabe", I could see a relationship blossoming.
I say they would be interesting to see, thats for sure. I think they'd probably have af ew moments of "let me kill you" moments and some, "my place nine, k!"..

They are cute though!