Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Nope, he's got hair. And a beard. I don't have any pics in my photobucket account at the moment, but I'm sure someone's got some floating around.
Ask and ye shall recieve! Also i just uploaded 46 new Screen caps from last nights show into my Photobucket where I'm aproching the 2,000 pics mark on Rory alone. Go to the speedle Space album for pics of mostlly him. But there are also differant albums of him with the other charaters from Miami. Feel free to take what you like. I als have an Album of his brother so check it out also! lots of very awsome pics i've collected. Here is my link http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr224/SDFlash1/Speedle Space/

also here is Rory from Right at your Door their are some more in my bucket you'll have to flip through and find them! Lots of pics from his other movies also! Have fun!


P.S. Sorry about that Dragon Fly didn't mean to spoil the ep, for you!
Wow, thanks CSISDFlash! I'll be looking through those! Did you say his brother? Is his brother an actor as well? Do they look anything alike? And thanks for the cap from the movie Right At Your Door!
yes i said his Brother his name is Brendan and he is a Director and Producer and owns his own company in NY! I just heard he is out in L.A. right now visiting his brother, i'm hoping he uploads some new pics we can use. In my opinon I don't think they look that much like brothers. I do have a Pic in Rory' Album of his sister and i really don't they he is that much like herr except they have the same dark fetures! She is like there mom! I have never seen what there dad looks like, but I assume the boys are like him because there Mother is Europian Indian! thats why he has the prety Dark hair and Eyes. But he doesn't look like her I don't think!

If you want we a have a chat room going on Yahoo ifyou have it you can Message me at SDFlash1 on yahoo messanger and i'll bring you in. We usually chat everynight and we have lots of fun! We are on right now if you wnt to join us!
I see there are more ppl than me that watch 24 =).. I got nostalgic when I heard rory had joind the cast and I just love the show, every episode is better than the previous

For you who know me, "yes I'm back for a while" and those who don't "hi there =) nice to see you"

all love to rory, bauer, norrington and the hottest of them all (but only slightly), bad ass tony almeida =)
Sadly I'm not seeing Rory listed in the next two Eps, But somehow I don't believe we've seen the last of Mr. Greag Seaton! So If your watchin keep watchin because I just don't think he gonna rot in jail!
Sadly I'm not seeing Rory listed in the next two Eps, But somehow I don't believe we've seen the last of Mr. Greag Seaton! So If your watchin keep watchin because I just don't think he gonna rot in jail!

Ack! I was hoping to get my Rory fix by watching 24. :( Hopefully he'll be back!
I have a feeling he'll be back. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but maybe...

Anyway, we're on page 50 now, time to start thinking of a new title?
Ok heres one I used on a Screen cap I have! Greg Seaton Or is it satan! I'll have to try and think of another one ! hes not had any whity line on 24 like he did on Miami! But i'm sure we will come up with something!

not to me he doesnt.. feels like he's mor confident on screen now.. I remeber the cross-juridiction eppy, and he was so little and cute.. :p now he's hot =) *drool*
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