Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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~Queen of Sarcasm~
Hehehe. Hard to believe we're on number 14 already. Well, no it's not, because Rory's just that amazing. *tosses confetti*
Cookies anyone? And we need some thread warming piccies :devil: Anyone care to share?
Congrats on the new thread everyone. :D

*puts out plate of goodies on the table*

I happen to have brought along a thread-warming picture to start things off:


(Season two, episode 'Extreme')

I happen to love this picture, and hopefully everyone else does as well! Gosh, 14 is quite an accomplishment for us. :eek: Hopefully we'll be able to keep spreading the Speed/Rory love for another 14 threads. ;)

Link to old thread :)
*takes a cookie and blows up balloons* Congrats on the new thread!

Pretty sweet pictures everyone! I'm sorry I don't have any right now to share, but I'll have something later when I return (I'm headed to Queens).

I don't think we'll have any problems spreading the Rory/Speed love. I mean, how can you not adore that face?
Woo! new thread! *dances* *takes cookie* Mmm cookie...

In my Rory arsenal I only have:
CSI: Miami s1 & 2
Empire Records (non fan remix..stupid Australia)
Black and White

And I'm still waiting on Harts War and Flawless...if they're as good as everyone says, then I'll probably buy them :D
they are great, harts war especially, i just love that movie its amazing. like i said before even if rory wasn't a part of it, it would still be one of my favorites
Oh Geni what a lovely piccie to start off the new thread. I love it when Speed says "I'm glad I'm not her" gotta love that man.

Aw, Katie I'd buy you a new 'Dazed and Confused' if I had the money and the stamps
Awww your so sweet. Thanks anyways though. lol.

And ah yes gotta love Speed in Flawless him and his..erhh singing abilities and The Prime Gig with his "Whoa Hamburger helper" *sighs*
*dies from rory overload*
wow those are some very pretty pic thanks for sharing calleighspeedle!

i quite like his little 'dance' he did on the beach and the whole 'your living, i feel good about that' thing he says while him and vince vaughn are playing chess.
*snatches cookies, as if she really needs more after today's sweet overload lol*

I haven't even seen that many Miami eps and I still like the Speed era better than the Ryan era lol
the speed era was greatness, i mena ryan is good and i adore jon togo but the storylines and stuff are just way too soap opera like now. thats just my opinion tho. but yeah s2 is the best season miami ever had, it was just all around fantastic
I've always felt that the 'Speed era' was a lot more relaxed and casual than the next three seasons. The show was a lot more dark as well. (In terms of lighting and some storylines) It didn't seem contrived either. :rolleyes:

I really loved what Rory brought to the screen in terms of Speedle. He just always had that relaxed and cool-headed behavior about him that all the characters on CSIM combined could never replace.

*sigh* I miss Speed. :( And Ashley, I agree that season two was by far the best. *points down to signature*

..I'm still convinced he's coming back. It's my dillusional mind, and I'm happy living in that nice comfy patch of grass called denial. Always gives a girl something to hope for and look forward too, right? ;)
ha you know it is quite possible for him to come back, and its bound to happen sooner or later. it just has to no two ways about it.
and i completely agree he brought a sense of calmness he was very mellow and chill which is not how it is now. everyone is always so angsty which is ok sometimes but every week? can we see h cracka smile already? but yeah i'm getting off the speedle topic now.
Well I like to think every character gets thrown into the pond, and creates ripples in the show. Speed was one of those rocks you'd throw into a pond, and the ripples would continue for seasons to come. He was just that important to the show's development.

In a way, I think the show has changed because he's not there. You really think if he was still there, all this angst would be happening? I don't think it would be. I think the storylines would have stepped it up a notch, sure, but it's very doubtful that the show would have turned the 360 degrees that it has now.

Besides, half the storylines wouldn't have happened. No Eric getting in trouble with IAB, Horatio wouldn't have had recurring nightmares :)rolleyes:) Ryan Wolfe wouldn't have been hired. It would be a very different show.

The one thing I don't like about the whole 'Speed dying' storyline, is that he was mentioned in what...Three/four episodes? Then they just forgot about him.

Also, there was an episode where Valera was using notes that Speedle gave her five years ago. The last time I checked, Valera showed up in 'Blood Brothers' which was nowhere near five years ago. - In the season three timeline. In their perspective, Speed had only been dead for a few months.

Unless there is some kind of unexplained time jump between seasons 2 and 3, I'm not getting it nor am I buying it. The writers screwed that one up. :rolleyes:
i haven't seen most of season 3, but wow that really sucks that they didn't mention him but a few times considering the fact he was on for 2 years and was basically horatios go to guy. i completely agree with what you said too in terms of the show doing a complete 360, its just not even the same not even a little. and, ok this is just my opinion, but i think horatio and even calleigh losts some of the flare they had once speed was killed and that sucks big time.
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