Hey! So so so very sorry for not updating in such a long time.

Life has been crazy right now! So I promise I will post more soon! :bolian:
CHAPTER 12 - Another Tricky Day - The Who
It about 5 minutes, police where swarming the apartment. Crime scene tape was surrounding Sara's suv and a crowd had now formed, all wanting to know what the commotion was about.
This first thing Brass did when he came in the door was assign a cop to Sara and Abby.
"You never leave there sight. Got it?" Brass said.
"Yes sir." Officer McLain said.
He looked way to young to be a cop, but when Sara asked him he said he wad 29. Sara thought that was still too young.
He was about Warrick height; he had light brown hair, and blue eyes. Sara thought he was nice looking.
"Brass, I'm trained in weaponless defense and I carry a gun. I don't think we need a cop to follow us around." Sara said.
"Sara remember what happened to Greg? That's what they are capable of. I'm not taking any chances. Cathrine I want you to go back to the lab with Sara and Abby. They should be safe there. McLain I want you to come watch them when they come home." Brass said.
"Brass, what home?" Sara asked motioning to her living room.
"Right, um." Brass thought for a moment. "You can stay with Grissom."
"He's away at a conference. He should be back tomorrow though." Sara pointed out.
"I would offer my apartment, but it only has one room." Warrick said.
Brass looked at Cathrine. "I would if I could. My mom showed up and I already promised Lindz she could have a party. She’d kill be if I cancel it." Cathrine said looking at Sara apologetically.
"Well, Nick’s got a girlfriend living with him." Sara said. "I think me and Abby moving in would screw that up. I hate to say it but...”
Greg looked wide eyed at Sara. "You’re kidding me right? Cause if you are, you are sooooo dead!" He said excitedly.
"No Greg, I'm not joking. Abby and I need a place to stay, and your the only one left." Sara said. She couldn't help but smile at his expression.
"Oh so I'm the last resort huh?"
"Hey! Don't make me go ask Hodges."
"Okay, okay! No need to get like that!"
Abby smiled. "So are you two related or something?"
"No. Well I better not be." Sara said.
"How long have you known each other?"
"About 6 or 7 years now I think." Greg said.
"Wow! He can count!" Nick said walking in to the break room where the 3 sat.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Greg said taking a bite of his tuna sandwich. "Ugh!! This stuff taste’s gross!!"
"How long was it in the fridge?" Nick asked sitting down next to him.
"Um, don't remember."
"Well that would be the reason." Sara said. Looking at the sandwich with disgust.
Abby laughed.
"What?" Nick asked.
"I think they are related. They are acting like me and my sister do." Abby said.
"You calling me a girl!?" Greg asked.
"No. And I just to let you know if you ever meet my sister to not call her a girl either. She's 6'2 and can beat the crap out of you if she wants."
"Dang she's tall!!" Greg said.
"Don't forget I'm taller then you too!" Abby said.
"So you find out anything?" Sara asked as Warrick and Cathrine walked in.
"Yeah, a print of the brick. It matched a guy named William Meza also known as Willy M. Big name in the Snakebacks." Cathrine said going over and getting a cup of coffee.
"So basically a whole gang is after Abby and me?" Sara asked.
"Pretty much." Warrick said sympathetically.
Sara sighed. "Great."
CHAPTER 13 - Tired - Everlast
"You okay?" Cathrine asked as she walked into the break room to find Sara sitting on a couch looking at the floor.
When Sara did not reply Cathrine looked over at her.
She looked pale and tired. Cathrine sighed. She didn't think Sara had even noticed she was in the room.
Cathrine walked over to the coffee pot and poured a cup for herself and Sara. She went over and sat down next to Sara.
"Here you go." Cath said handing her the steaming cup.
"Thanks." Sara said, still not looking at Cathrine.
"So where's Abby?" She asked.
"Warrick, Nick and Greg took her out to breakfast. I think they took Wendy and Mia too."
Cathrine looked at Sara. She was still looking at the floor. Her fingers where wrapped around the hot mug.
"Sara when was the last time you ate?"
She thought for a moment. "Dinner with you."
"And the time before that?"
Sara sighed and leaned her head against the couch. "Cathrine come on. Please. I'm not a little kid."
"Sara, I know that. But I'm worried about you. Your pale and way to thin. Now, when was the time before that?"
When Sara didn't answer, she tried again. "I know you’re a vegetarian, but you need to eat more. Didn't your mother ever tell you to take care of yourself? "
'Sometimes you just don't know when to stop do you!' Sara thought, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
"The time before that was breakfast yesterday, okay?" Sara said.
Cathrine talking about her mother was the last straw. She couldn't help but be mad. Sara got up, set her coffee down and left. As she walked away she could hear Cathrine.
"Sara! Come on. I'm sorry, but I'm worried about you!"
Sara walked down the halls of the lab. She didn't even realize where she was going until she opened the door and walked in. Sara smiled. She closed the door behind her and went over and sat down behind his desk.
'Why did all this have to happen when you aren’t here, huh?'
She opened up the bottom chore on the left. She took out the old photo. She loved it so much. It had been taken on their first date. They had gone to a theme park.
The picture was of them on a rollercoaster. Grissom was actually smiling, and so was she. She didn't really remember a time when she was so happy.
Sara pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and hit the speed dial number 1.
'D@mn it.' It had gone strait to voice mail, so it was either turned off or he was out of range.
She listened to his voice. "Hey! Just wanted to know how everything was going for you...Um well you'll probably want to know so I'm just gonna say it. Brass put me into protective custody too. Abby and I now have a whole gang after us. I'll be staying with Greg. Don't worry." She added laughing a little. "Anyway um give me a call and I'll give you the whole story. Love you." With that she hung up.
'Now what.' Sara felt bad for how she left Cathrine but she just couldn't handle her mother being brought up. The day had been hell, and it hadn’t actually been all that bad. She'd had worse.
Sara yawned. She got and told Judy that she was going to be in Grissom's office taking a nap if anyone was looking for her.
Everyone knew that they where together, and no one really cared that their coworkers where dating. They where all happy that they where finally together. The only on that did care was Ecklie and no one cared about him.
So Sara closed the door and the blinds. She went over to the couch in the corner and laid down. Soon sleep took over her thoughts, that now became her dreams.
CHAPTER 14 - Change Your Mind - The Killers
Nick, Wendy, Mia and Abby where walking down the halls of the lab, after finishing their breakfast. Greg had gone home to make sure everything was clean and looked okay. Warrick was about to pass out because he was so tried so he also headed home.
Nick had said he would take Abby and Sara over to Greg's after they stopped off at the lab to get Sara.
"So what do you do for fun?" Wendy asked as Abby.
"Um well, I don't really do much of anything. My life is pretty boring. But I do play acoustic guitar and sing." Abby said.
"Oh! Maybe we'll have a talent show! That would be fun." Mia said.
Wendy laughed. "And who would acutely do it?"
"I would." Nick said smiling.
"I can get Henry and Hodges to help plan it." Mia said. "What do you think Abby?"
Abby smiled. "I would totally do it."
"Sweet! You want to help Wendy?"
"Sure. What the heck." Wendy said. "Well I think we better get out of here before Ecklie complains about us hanging around."
"You’re probably right. So I will see you sometime soon Abby." Mia said smiling up at Abby. "Man! Either you are really tall or I am seriously short."
Abby laughed.
"See you late Nick." Wendy called over her shoulder as she and Mia went off sown the locker room.
"So now what?" Abby asked.
"Now we find Sara." He said as they kept walking, looking thru the glass walls.
After about 20 minutes of searching, with no sign of Sara and calling her cell phone 3 times, Nick was starting to get worried.
So he decided to go ask Judy if she had seen Sara leave.
"Oh she said she was going to take a nap in Grissom's office. She did look pretty tired." Judy said.
"Great thanks." Nick said as the two of them went around the corner to Grissom's office.
Nick knocked on the door first, he was not expecting an answer and he was right.
He slowly opened the door and walked in, closing it behind Abby. Sara was asleep on the couch.
But she was not sleeping soundly like he had hoped. Sara was mumbling and turning over.
"She had a nightmare last night too." Abby said softly.
Nick went over and knelt down beside the couch. He placed his hand lightly on Sara's shoulder.
"Hey. Sara." Nick said.
In a few seconds Sara was wide awake. She was breathing heavily and still looked tired.
"You alright?" Nick asked.
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine."
Nick wanted to know what she was dreaming about, but knew not to press the subject.
Sara was thankful when Nick did not ask about her dream. She hadn't had one like it in a long time, since before she was with Grissom.
It had scared her. And the fact that it scared her, scared her even more.
"I told Greg I would bring you over to his house. He went home about a half hour ago to clean up." Nick said.
He looked over at Abby. She was looking at Grissom's bug collection.
"Wow." She said softly. "Did he get all these himself or as a kit or something?" She asked.
Sara and Nick laughed. Just the thought of Grissom buying bug's as a it made them laugh.
"No. He got them all himself." Sara said.
"This butterfly is really pretty." Abby said.
"Yeah. Butterfly's are his favorite. You should see his house. He's got a whole wall of them." Sara said, smiling at the thought.
"That would be so cool!" Abby said walking over and sitting in one of the chairs in fromt of Grissom's desk.
Abby smiled at Sara. "What?" Sara asked looking at her.
"Mia and Wendy are planning a talent show for the lab."
"What?" Sara asked looking at Nick.
"Yep. Abby said that she played guitar and sang so Mia got the idea to do a talent show." He said.
"Do you play anything Sara?" Abby asked.
"Heh! No! I will be a judge or something."
"No way are you getting off that easily!" Nick said. "I've heard you sing before and excuse my French, you are damn good!!"
"No I'm not!! I suck!" Sara said.
"Well know that I know you can sing your going to. No matter what." Abby said giving Sara a stern look, but was unable to keep the grin from appearing.
Again sorry for not updating sooner!!