Some People Call It Summer

Well the weather here in the Toronto area has been hot all week. High 20'sC and we even broken through to the low 30'sC. The evenings have been in the teens so it's not been too bad. We've not had any rain since last Friday and none is expected in the long range forecast until Tuesday. We've had a very dry spring in my opinion. I hate to see what the real summer will be like when it comes next week.
The weather looked lovely last weekend in Montreal at the Canadian Grand Prix. I always have the impression that Canada is a cold country, the same with Russia, although it gets as hot, if not hotter than the UK in the height of summer. :lol:
You see? Today we have a more normal weather for this time of the year: 36ºC and no clouds in the sky. The coast (50 km from where I am) is also more usual for june, 32ºC. We're getting the highest temperatures, but in August my town is going to be a Hell again. I f global warming means more than 40 degrees again, with our sick dry weather, I'm going to move from the inside to the coast in a few years...
Here in the northwest we did have all four season over the period of two weeks.

Two weekends ago, it was 85F. Now it's about 55F two weeks later. :eek:

There is the running joke that summer starts JULY 5th and ends October 15th. :lol:

That's what it's like here in June unfortunatly. But today it's really cold
I hate rain. Thats what I get for living in Manchester.
The weather has been WEIRD, I mean, last week was rainy, the week before was boiling hot. This week is suppose to be raining although really sunny.. work that one out. :confused:
Here in Ontario it's been freaking hot. *turns on weather channel* Right now it 25ºC and tomorrow it's going to be 30ºC.
DaWacko said:
BlueCurl said:
to bad my plans to go to sweden this year failed at the last moment. Hopefully soon though!

Ah yes, it's the annual invade of the Nordic countries for Dutch people :p I took ferry to Sweden a week ago and in terminal in ladies room there was a bunch of older dutch women. They had to be Dutch (language)

My brother and his friend are still going to sweden. I would have gone with them but I ran out of money :lol: and besides that I have a renovation on hands that I would like to see finished at a time :p so it will probably be a winter holiday at the end of the year. Maybe it would be great to go there in winter. Cold but it would be cool...

for the weather part It is weird. then the suns hines brightly and it is pretty hot and not 30 minutes later the streets are full of water because it rains so hard that the sewer cannot handle the water flow. And a drop of 10 degrees C with those two weather types!
It's turning, but not too much, we are discussing about the weather in different countries, but also taking as a reference other years because of the global warming.

I don't know if it's still snowing in Sweden, all I know is that I live in a very beautiful oven. 50 Km is too many distance to the beach, and mountains made us have a very complicated weather.
I thought it was going to be a nice cool summer, but it's gotten hot yet again. :( Right in time for sports, where you want it to be cold. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

This year has been cooler overall though, which struck me as odd because global warming is supposed to be making it hotter. It was a nice change from the pattern we've been having and I'm not complaining, but boy oh boy is LA weather weird.
So much for summer.. All I get is rain! Not as bad as the UK but bad enough! No sunshine.. no summer.

I know our planet is a little screwed up. I mean.. floaths in the UK, heat waves in Greece and snow in South Africa? What is going on here?!
I hate it... I'm in a wonderful town for 3 weeks (of which 1 week has already passed) and there'd be so much to do like going for walks, goto the lake and lay in the sun, etc., but no, the weather's like autumn! Hello, it's nearly July! I don't wanna have to put warm clothes on! I don't want no more rain! And the worst thing is that the forecast is bad for the next days, and I bet just when my vacations are over it'll be good again! :mad:
Some call it summer, others call it 'the burning flames of Hell' :lol: :rolleyes: I live in Cali, and here it's already gotten into the high 90s. On my birthday it's supposed to reach 100. Where I live we have dry heat with little to none humidity (lucky), but the temperatures can range from 100 to 110. We've broken a few records here and there.

You can always tell if someone's from California if they're in another state where it's freezing and they're wearing flip-flops :p
It is raining a lot here to (Netherlands) but we have already had so many nice days so I am not complaining. Of course for people who have their holiday it is bad the either bad rainfall or the very high tempratures! The only thing we can do is wait and see were it leads us!