Some People Call It Summer


Master of the Moos
Snow falling in central Sweden

Published: 14th June 2007 13:09 CET

It might be only one week to Midsummer, but nobody seems to have told mother nature. Snow has returned to parts of central Sweden, with five centimetres falling in some places.

The snowfall came in the mountainous Härjedalen area of northern Dalarna. A meteorologist from weather service SMHI told Svenska Dagbladet that snow was unusual at this time of year, usually falling roughly once every ten years.

The snow follows weeks of warm summer weather, but a low pressure area caused a turn in conditions. Temperatures are expected to rise again tomorrow, reaching 15 to 18 degrees, SMHI predicts.
Here's two swedish newspapers websites with pics

They said here in the news that few days earlier it had been almost +30 :lol: :lol:

Thankfully all the bad weather stays on THAT side of the sea :p
AS a Finn I must enjoy this and laugh - they always pick on our weather :rolleyes:
aah same here in the netherlands. weather is weird. first a few days of 30+ and then colder an bda weather agian. Weather has been really weird here to lately!

to bad my plans to go to sweden this year failed at the last moment. Hopefully soon though!
Spring has sprung
Fall has fell
Summer's here
and it's hotter than... usual.
- - - Nipsey Russell

(or colder than usual in Sweden)
For the first 10 days in June, England (well most parts) had wall to wall sunshine. It was upto 26C then all of a sudden on Sunday/Monday it pissed it down and hasn't stopped all week. I got myself a lovely tan basking in the Sunshine last week. Now it's like we've fast-foward to October :rolleyes:

It better pick up for next week :rolleyes: :(
BlueCurl said:
to bad my plans to go to sweden this year failed at the last moment. Hopefully soon though!

Ah yes, it's the annual invade of the Nordic countries for Dutch people :p I took ferry to Sweden a week ago and in terminal in ladies room there was a bunch of older dutch women. They had to be Dutch (language)
To be june, this weather is very cold. We are used, in this time of the year, to temperatures to get almost 40. Yesterday we had 34, and today just went down till 23 :confused:

Dutch people go to Sweden? Is there a reason or just because? I mean, for example, German people like to go to Balears and English people to the Sun Coast (Málaga), but I didn't knew Dutch tralveled to Sweden.
I can't believe how cold it is here (UK) this week, it was raining really hard yesterday and we had thunder and lightning. I can't believe where the summer has gone!
Snow? In June? :eek: Weird weather all over Europe I think. Apparantly where I am in the UK has just had a month's worth of rain in less than 20 hours, so there's some flash flooding which is expected to continue into tomorrow and today and tomorrow's race meetings have been cancelled because of standing water on the course. And I'm cold and my feet are still wet from walking into town at lunch time... :(
Wow, I would also give anything. Summer here in Los Angeles (and all of California) is so hot you can fry eggs on the sidewalk. And I have softball and basketball every day all summer, as well as summer camp for a week. Enjoy it, guys.

But summer took a while to come here, yesterday was the only summer-worthy day we've had in a's been cool and windy. Hopefully it'll stay mild (though yesterday and Wednesday were so freaking hot I thought my feet would melt and my face would char)
I don't think it's just Europe that's having weird weather. Where I live, we're getting almost non-stop rain. We usually get hardly any. It's also been extremely warm for this time of year. We've had a few days reach highs that we don't even always get to in July and August (our hottest months).
Where I live last week it was like an oven and this week its all gloomy and cloudy but it hasn't rained that much.
Thats global warming for ya children!! 4 seasons in one week, or in one day sometimes.

Despite this shit rain and cloud cover the temperature is still up, its still a mild 19 degrees in my neck of the woods. Although luckily we've missed the flooding. That seems to have stayed localised in Yorkshire and The Midlands
It was sunny in the morning, got very hot till afternoon, then clouds came up and it got windy, and now it's raining... Hate it! I don't want 35°C all day, but a nice sunny, 25°C day would be awesome!