Smith Leaves 'CSI'

Such a shame that TPTB are getting rid of Riley/LLS, just when I'm finally getting into the new team dynamics, the rug is pulled from under me. Sheesh, they should have given her a chance. :rolleyes: Besides, I really like how she and Greg were together.
I just didn't think the character Riley added anything thrilling or exciting, and she had a whole season to prove herself.
TPTB had the whole season to prove it, not Riley -- a character can't go very far when the writers neglect her development.

Exactly. And I really wish that people would stop saying that SHE had a whole season to prove herself when nothing could be further from the truth.

A) She didn't have the whole season because she wasn't there the entire season- she didn't come in until after the season had already started, so saying she had the "whole" season is inaccurate.

B) The writers pushed the character aside from the getgo. She got very little development in the beginning. Aside from learning that her parents are shrinks and that there was someone close to her who committed suicide (which btw, the writers PROMISED to tell more about, but never delivered) and that she can remain calm in the face of danger and had a sense of humor that brought Greg's humor back (which I personally adored her for), we know little to nothing about her. That is not the character/actress' fault. It is the writers' fault and the rest of tptb's fault, period!

Even if I didn't like a character I could see that. Tara, Miami for example- we know nothing about her aside from her past shoulder injury which got her addicted to meds- that wasn't the actress' fault and however much I didn't care for the character, it wasn't the character's fault either- it was the writer's fault for not properly developing her- but at least they gave her the drug problem- Riley got nothing like that from Vegas' writers.

Let's put the blame where it lies- with tptb not the character/actress. Like someone else said, tptb tried to do too many things at once. You can't kill off one popular character, write out another (and yes I know the actors wanted to leave) and nearly immediately bring in a new character (okay Riley was in before Griss left, but still she came in upon the heels of Warrick dying). If they were going to introduce any new characters, it should have been in Season 10, not 9. The current cast should have been allowed to at least get a chance to carry the show on their own before bringing in ANY new characters. If they wanted a new CSI after Warrick's death, then it should have been Wendy instead of getting us used to a new character and then removing that character whom a lot of people actually liked.
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it's sad to hear, cuz i agree with all of you that she didn't really get a chance. but i'm also kind of glad they are getting rid of the character cuz i never cared one way or another about her, and honestly i think she wasn't original and likeable enough for such a show. and man, it always annoyed me so much when she kept taaaalkiiing sooo sloooow. lol.
Let me get this straight.....Lauren Lee Smith's departure is waht will allow Jorja Fox to come back to the show as if nothing had happened in these years? WOW, man! I'm impressed :rolleyes:

I always thought that TPTB never got her character a real chance to devolp in a proper way, but I never thought they were gonna get rid of her in this way. Such a shame!
I don't think Riley talked slow at all. Sara always pauses a little. Horatio pauses a lot :lol: It's just their schtick. Lauren didn't do that on Mutant X, so I'm sure she was told to do it for CSI. Why do people always blame the character/actress for the way they talk? Shatner doesn't normally talk the way he did as Kirk. He talks really normal. So, I'm sure he was told to do that.

Let me get this straight.....Lauren Lee Smith's departure is waht will allow Jorja Fox to come back to the show as if nothing had happened in these years? WOW, man! I'm impressed :rolleyes:

I always thought that TPTB never got her character a real chance to devolp in a proper way, but I never thought they were gonna get rid of her in this way. Such a shame!

Yeah and worse than that, they aren't even giving her an exit scene. She's just not gonna be there. Just gonna disappear like Sofia did. Like those sitcom kids that the writers want to "86". I was at least hoping that we'd get a hug scene between Riley and the one she connected with most, Greg. They say she didn't fit in, but she fit in perfectly with Greg and even with Nick somewhat. Oh wait! I forgot! TPTB don't give a rat's hiney about Nick or Greg. :(
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Let me get this straight.....Lauren Lee Smith's departure is waht will allow Jorja Fox to come back to the show as if nothing had happened in these years? WOW, man! I'm impressed :rolleyes:

I always thought that TPTB never got her character a real chance to devolp in a proper way, but I never thought they were gonna get rid of her in this way. Such a shame!

Yeah and worse than that, they aren't even giving her an exit scene. She's just not gonna be there. Just gonna disappear like Sofia did. Like those sitcom kids that the writers want to "86".
Yep, that's even worse than I could have imagined :rolleyes:. Ok that she hasn't been on the show for a long time, but this doesn't mean she has to leave the show in this way.

Oh gosh, don't even get me started with Sofia 'cause I'm still having a hard time coping with that disappearence of her character.
Oh gosh, don't even get me started with Sofia 'cause I'm still having a hard time coping with that disappearence of her character.

Me too. I liked Sofia.

I have a bad feeling that all of these changes are going to blow up in their faces big time. And unless I hear some good things for the Greg character, I'm probably going to record CSI and watch Supernatural at 8 now instead of the other way around cause at this point, Nick and Greg are the only reasons I'm still holding on.

I don't mind Sara, but I'm pissed they let Riley go. I really adored the character and she brought Greg's funny back. Now without her he's just gonna go back to being too serious and that doesn't sit well with me. The only way he might have a chance to be funny again is if they make Wendy a CSI and have her interact with him. He became serious after all the things that happened to him. Even Sofia told him she'd heard he used to be a funny guy and that he shouldn't let things make him lose that. But his funny never really returned properly until the introduction of Riley. Now that she's gone, I worry about Greg. Making Wendy a CSI and having her and Greg interact more may make his funny return. That's what they should have done in the first place instead of bringing in a new character, making me love her (for bringing back Greg's funny) and then snatching her away.
^ well, maybe you'll get some 'funny Greg' when Sara comes back. after all, there used to be a bunch of hilarous scenes with the two of them in the past. i can imagine him teasing her about Grissom, for instance. or asking if she's finally single again. ;)
^ well, maybe you'll get some 'funny Greg' when Sara comes back. after all, there used to be a bunch of hilarous scenes with the two of them in the past. i can imagine him teasing her about Grissom, for instance. or asking if she's finally single again. ;)

I hope we do get some Greg/Sara friendship scenes. That will at least make me feel a little better. :lol: I would like them to beef up the Greg/Nick friendship and the Greg/Wendy friendship too though. But, I dunno. I just feel that the writers don't really care much about the Greg character. He always seems to get the short end of the stick. :(
I was really surprised to read this! I liked Riley, she didn't get much focus last season but I didn't expect this. Disappointing. I thought she had potential.
I hope so too, Greg and Sara were always tight and her and Nick too, they both had crushes on her till they realized it was futile cause' her heart belonged to another, but they all were wonderful together. They knew her for a long time and just barely met Riley, for like 5 minutes, so that'll be wonderful to see them all back together I'm sure we'll see a welcome home scene like in "A Happy Place" when they all hugged her:p
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^^Back to LLS, it's such a shame that she is leaving. I only wish TPTB had kept her. They obviously didn't see the great talent that she had. Oh, well. I just hope she moves on to bigger and better things than CSI.
I'm kind of annoyed by this. I liked Sara, but come on. She left. She's gone. Give it up. There's no reason to toss out a character that was never even given a chance to have any good storylines.

*mutters* I'm not vanishing for a few days again if I'm going to keep coming back to news like this...
*is still pissed about Sofia*

Back to LLS, I'm sorry she's leaving, because she had the potential to be a great character - she just got screwed over.
If they're going to get rid of the character, they should at the very least give her some form of exit... What about all of those fans that don't follow all of this stuff? How the hell does it make sense to just completely write off a character without ever actually writing them off?

I think I'm more disappointed in the fact that there was some great character conflict developing between Riley and Langston, and now that's completely out the window. Really, I just don't understand why this is smart.