SMACked..Taken After Blink, A one shot


Head of the Graveyard Shift
SMACked... Taken from Blink

A new short story by MacsLovlyAngl

I do not own these Characters, just the story.

Full version at FF.Net

She watched him as he stood by the gates of Ground Zero. She had followed him by cab. She just knew, he would need someone. His life had been hard since losing Claire. He had no closer, no proof that she had died in 9/11. They had never found half the bodies that were supposed to have died there. All he had were their words, that she had. Walking up, she carefully wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Laying her head on his.

"Tell me you are going to be okay Mac?"

Not saying a word, just staring straight ahead. He knew she would come. For she had always been there for him, they had always been there for each other. Just listening to the silence she wrapped him tighter to her.

"It's okay Mac. There is only you and I here. Let it out."

Watching as his teardrops fell from his eyes, she couldn't help but wipe them tenderly with her thumb. Letting him know without words that she was still there.

When he unwrapped his fingers from the fence, he turned towards her, gripping her tightly in his arms, with his hands on her neck, and the other on the back of her head.

"It hurts. It just hurts so bad. I don't know how to get the wounds to heal."

"Oh Mac. It's going to take time. The two of you shared an endless love, the kind of love that rarely blesses any couple. I've told you before, you are not alone. I'm right here with you."

Feeling his tears begin to dry, they walked down the street of NY. Nearing his door, he unlocked it, as she followed him in.

"You don't have to stay. I'll be fine."

"I know Mac. But I want to stay. I just need to be sure you're going to be okay."

Sitting him down on the couch, she helped him off with his shoes, and grabbed him a pillow. Watching him fall into sleep, she covered him, and left for home."

The next Day

He was looking a file.

"Morning Mac. How you feeling?"

"I'm good Stel."

She knew Mac had blocked last night out. He was good at that. This was work, work had no place for memories. Always by the book Taylor.

"Hey you two. We have a crime scene. Let's go."

Arriving at the crime scene, they noticed the young girl laying on the road with her insides on the outside.

"What happened to her?"

"Don't know yet Mac. Driver said she was standing on the sidewalk one minute, and the next minute she fell flat on her face."

"What did he do. Run over her twice?"

"No. He said only once. But with the front and back wheel."

"So you're telling me, he seen her fall, but he still drove over her?"

"I know. I don't get it either Mac. Doesn't make sense."

Walking over Mac introduced himself.

"I'm Det.Taylor. Can you tell me what happened here?"

"Sure. I was driving along. When I seen this young girl fall onto the road. Then some idiot behind me, pushed my vehicle over top of her. Causing me to kill her."

"Is that why you couldn't stop your vehicle?"

"Yes. I told the Officer that."

"Can you remember what the vehicle looked like?"

"Sure. It was a red sedan, with silver rim. There were also somekind of stars hanging from the mirror. I don't know much else. But I can say this with all honesty. The guy behind me was determined to make sure she was dead."

"Okay. Thank you. You can go. Here's my card if you remember anything else."

"What do you think Mac?"

"I'm not sure yet Stel. Let's head back."

Later that night..

She knew where he'd be again. She always knew. He was like clockwork. It was almost trance like with him. But it was also like a fever she couldn't let go. She hated him being alone. She hated that her love for him had grown into something his hadn't yet reached.

Yet all she could do was continue to be there for him. Like she had done from the very begining. Until he was ready to let go of the pain. Until all the memories left his hurting soul, with only the good ones kept alive in his heart.

Nearing his side, she wrapped him in her arms again.

"How much longer are you going to put yourself through this Mac. How much longer are you going to let the pain of Claire eat at you? You did nothing wrong Mac, there was nothing anyone could do to change the events that took place here. I know you loved her deeply. I know she was your life, as you were hers. But you can't keep doing this to yourself Mac."

He knew she was right. She was always right. Just like she had been there for him night after night. But to let go meant saying good bye. And that was something he wasn't ready for.

"I'm sorry. Why don't you just leave. I can't say good bye to her. I'm sorry, I'm not ready. So many unanswered questions. So many things that don't make sense about that day. Such unjustified means for what they did."

"I know Mac. But you need to let go. You are torturing yourself and Claire. She can't rest, or move on knowing you are still in pain. She won't rest, till you move on."

"I just don't know if I can Stel. I thought it would make things easier by removing everything of her from our home, but it didn't. I couldn't let go of that beach ball. Her breath is still in there."

"Oh Mac. You don't have to get rid of everything. No one expects you too. But you move on by keeping all your memories in your heart. Your heart is where Claire will always be. She can never disappear from there. She lives within you. Just like you live within her."

Looking into her eyes, he could see how much she cared for him. He had always known they shared more then friendship. There wasn't days that went by neither of them thought of what might have been.

Caressing her cheek, he turned and walked towards home.

"Mac, do you want to grab a coffee, or a beer?"

"No. But thanks for the offer. I'm just going to call it a night. I'll see you tomorrow.
Watching him walk away, she knew he needed to be alone.

Later that evening, she heard the soft sound of knocking. Throwing on her robe, she asked..

"Who is it?"

"It's me. I'm sorry to wake you. May I come in?"

Unlocking her door, she could see the tiredness in his dark wet eyes. Without so much as a word, she lead him to her couch, laid him down and covered him up.

"Sleep Mac. It will all be okay. I promise to protect you."

"I know Claire. I love you."

Once she was sure he was sound alseep. She headed back to her bed. So many nights it was like a repeat of a program that played over and over. Each night he had called her Claire. Always leaving her thinking, that if only he could accept, if only he could let go. He would finally be able to see that he no longer had to be alone.

Falling into sleep, she dreamed. Dreamed of his erotic touch, as his fingrtips danced along her silken skin. God the fever was burning so badly within her. She could smell him, his scent, his warm breath, as it caressed across her neck.

Slowly waking from her dream, she seen it wasn't a dream at all. Oh no. He was there. In her room, leaning over her naked form. Admiring her beauty, as he grinned.

"Maaaaaaac"....she whispered.

"Shhh....please. Let me love you. I need to feel. I need to know that you are real. I need to know that human touch is still alive within me. Please say you'll let me love you."

The first thing that came to her was the fear. The fear that Mac thought she was Claire.

She was at a loss for words. She wasn't sure if she could say what she wanted to say. For everything from this moment changed everything they were to each other. Feeling his caress once again dance against her cheek, she nodded her head.

"I know Mac. I understand. I need to feel human touch as much as you. I need to feel that bonding between friends, lovers, can exist."

No longer did she care. She had loved him for so long. She had waited what felt a lifetime to feel his touch.

Sensually slipping his hand across her arm, he felt her shiver. So sensitive she was to each touch, each stroke he passionately gave her. With fingertip caresses, she began dancing them along his back, as he softly, moistly kissed her neck.

"So beautiful. So warm, and giving. With each stroke, each caress, I can feel you come to life in my arms."

With no more words between them, Mac took her into their warmth, their passion, their desires.

Collapsing on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her hair.

"Stella...look at me please."

As she leaned up on her hands, he could see the fear in her eyes. He could see the insecurity that he may say it should have never happened. Caressing her cheek, he whispered...

"Stay with me Stella. Stay with me forever. Build a life with me, a future with me. Tell me you love me Stella. I need to hear the words."

"I do love you Mac. I've loved you for so long. Everynight I brought you home, comforted you, cared for you, was my love shinning through. I knew you needed me as much as I needed you. I also knew neither of us were ready to admit it. But now that we have, I have every intention of caring for you, for us, for the rest of our lives."

Pulling her up closer. He kissed her tears, as he said...

"As I take you Stella. I promise I'll make every memory count, every moment seem like the first. We will grow old together wrapped in each others warmth, and love.

Moving in closer, their lips touched, bringing back to life all the passion, all the desire, all the love, that was meant to be forever written in their hearts, and their lives.

The End.