[SMACKED] Since that Cold November Day

Mayte -- you can just click on that link I posted if you haven't read it yet.

ath -- *hugs* thank you so much!

Melly -- aww.. don't be sad. Here... Dylan will hug you *Dylan sends Mel a virtual huggy-wuggy*
I could read it just this morning (I´m supossed to be working), and I loved it. It´s a very beautiful end. But now I want more! :lol:
Are you going to make a sequel? Is the bump a boy or a girl?
You're gonna keep the mistery until you beguin the sequel... ;)
Anyway, I hope you post it soon, you left all of us wanting for more!!
You better start the SmutSequel soon hehe

I wish we could get our SmackedBabies together lol...Dylan and Cassie (mine)...but then people seem to write them cute anyway. Lovingmyhoratio's are cute too. But Dylan's cuter lol
Mel -- it's called SmutSequel now huh? Hahahaha!
Yeah, we should have them meet some time haha.

Haha, I'll post the sequel after Holy Week -- after Easter maybe.
*claps happily* Yay! I'd still love to write a fic and cross those two but people would throw things at me for killing most of the characters lol. Hey maybe you could slip in them watching the movie somewhere lol...

Mac: What?
Stella: You sure you don't have a long lost brother? He looks just like you
Mac: You know I've gotten that a time or two...what's his name?
Stella: Gary Sinise
Mac: Yeah.
Stella: Well I've gotten a couple remarks about looking like someone from this show Providence...

Squeeeeee!!!!!! I've not had chance to go on here in ages because I've been at home(at my mom's) over the easter holidays so it means no internet! Noooooooooo! I was so happy to read the end of the last fic, and was very impreresed with the start of the new fic as well! Kepp up the good work, and hopfully I will be able to check this a lot more often now! Woooooooooot!

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo