SMACKed..A One Shot..."How Snow Day should have ended"


Head of the Graveyard Shift
SMACked..A One Shot...What should have happened after Snow Day

Written by MacsLovlyAngl

Stella and Hawkes had made it out of the building.

"Where's Mac? he was right behind us Sheldon."

"He's coming Stella, don't worry, he'll be coming."

As they waited outside, they seen his shadow through the window of the door. Opening the door and walking out, Stella ran into his arms, and embraced him tightly.

"You're okay, you made it."

Still holding her tight, he seen Peyton running towards him. Releasing Stella, he walked down the stairs to her as she jumped into his arms.

"Oh Mac, I was so worried. God I'm glad you are okay."

"Shh!! Listen Peyton, I want to go London with you."

Embracing him tighter, she smiled wildly. As Mac turned to face his team and nod, He swore he seen a tear in Stella's eye. Facing Peyton again, he kissed her, wrapped his arm around her and walked away with her.

Heading to their cars, Mac said....

"I'll pick you up at 6pm Peyton, bye for now."

"Bye Mac."

When Mac arrived home, he pulled out his bag and began packing it. While he picked out some clothes. He came across the black t-shirt Stella had bought him for his birthday last year. Sitting on his bed, he thought back to her teasing him...

"Oh come on now Mac, you have to model for me. I need to see what I paid for." She giggled.

Unbuttoning his shirt, he took it off and tossed on the black t-shirt.

" that's hot," she laughed.

"You are bad Stella, but thank you for the shirt, it's great."

"You are welcome," she said getting up and kissing him on the cheek.

"Happy birthday Mac."

Jarring himself out of his thought, he folded it neatly and slipped it into his bag. Once he had everything packed up and ready. He decided to call and see how Stella was holding up after today.

*Ring, ring*


"'s Mac. You okay, you sound upset."

"No. I'm fine Mac, what did you need."

The way Stella had said that, made Mac realize something was wrong.

"I just wanted to call to say good bye. You'll hold down NY while I'm gone."

"Of course. Don't worry Mac, we'll be fine."

Mac could still hear a hint of saddness,in her voice.

"Okay Stel, I'll see you in a few weeks."

Hanging up the phone, Mac thought back to the days events. But the one thing that kept coming back to him, was the trust Stella had in him, when he grabbed her and covered her mouth. Not even a flintch, as he told her to shhh.

Grabbing his suitcase, he headed out the door, leaving NY behind.


Stella was in tears. She thought for sure Mac wouldn't go to England. Heading into the shower, she allowed the spray to wash away her pain, her hurt, of not being able to see Mac for three weeks.

Turning off the water, she wrapped herself in her fluffy towel, and headed into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. As she neared the counter, she seen the picture of her and Mac from the staff Christmas Party last year. God how happy they looked, with their arms wrapped around each other while they danced.

After starting the coffee, she took the picture and sat down. As she fell into sleep, she cuddled it in her arms. Laying there she wished she had often told Mac of her feelings for him. But her damn pride kept her from doing it.

Falling into sleep, she dreamed. Dreamed of Mac.

At the Airport Peyton noticed Mac was very quiet.

"Mac...are you okay? You seem lost."

Leaning down to kiss him, as their lips touched, Peyton noticed he didn't kiss her back. Looking into his eyes, she could see that spark was missing, had disappeared.

Standing back up, she noticed the book Mac had bought. Taking it from him, she seen he had written Stella's name through the pages.

"Mac, I think we need to talk."

"What about Peyton?"

"About us Mac. About where our relationship is heading. Tell me Mac, do you love me?"

Looking into Peyton's eyes, he said....

"I care about you Peyton, as for love. I don't....umm..I don't know."

Peyton was beginging to tear up. For she knew the next question she asked, would decide their relationship.

"Mac, do you love Stella?" She whispered with sadness.

"Flight 107 to London, now boarding at Gate 3."

"Mac, I need to know where your heart is at. Is it with me, or is it with Stella?"

"I'm sorry Peyton. I'm so sorry. But I don't think we'll be going to London together."

Peyton knew she had her answer. She had finally realized, Mac's love for Stella was stronger then their relationship.

Kissing her one last time on the cheek, he grabbed his bag, and watched as she walked down the runway. Turning one last time, she smiled through her tears, as she whispered..."Good bye Mac."

Exiting the Airport, Mac tossed his bags into the car and headed to Stella's. When he arrived, he searched his pocket for the spare key she had given him after her ordeal with Frankie.

Pulling it out, he placed it in the lock and opened the door to darkness. Placing his bag on the floor, he walked towards her living room and seen one single candle burning, with a half opened bottle of wine. Nearing closer to her sleeping form, he seen the picture she was holding.

Taking it from her arms, she moaned and fell back into sleep.

"Stella. Stella, wake up. Stella!!"

Thinking she was still dreaming, she whispered in her sleep....

"Mmm..I love you Mac."

As he smiled, he bent down and carefully shook her awake.

"Mac!!! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be on your way to London by now."

"I couldn't go Stella. I couldn't leave without you. I wouldn't have survived not seeing you, touching you, smiling with you. I need you to listen to me Stella. I came back for you. I came back because I realized I loved you, not Peyton. Do you understand what I'm telling you Stella. I love you. I want to grow old with you, I want to have children with you, build a life with you. With you Stella, only you."

As Stella listened, her tears began to pour from her eyes. She didn't think it was true, she didn't realize it was real. Was she still dreaming, or was Mac truely vowing his love to her.

"I must be dreaming. But if I am dreaming, I never want to wake up. I never want to be woken up, I just want to stay in this dream forever."

"I can asure you Stella, this is no dream. I love you Stella. Please say you love me too."

Sitting up, she caressed Mac's cheek, as she inhaled his gorgeous cologne.

"I do Mac. I love you too. I love you so much that my heart broke today when I watched you walk away with Peyton. It felt like my soul had died. It felt like the world I knew, had disappeared."

Embracing her face in his hands, he leaned into her lips and whispered...

"This is forever Stella, with this kiss we start our life together as a couple."

Placing his lips on hers, they felt the firery flame of love light in their hearts, taking the kiss deeper, Mac lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Placing her on the bed, he admired her beautiful form that had come out of the towel she was wrapped in.

Laying down beside her, he whispered into her ear....

"Forever Stella, I want forever."

With the tears falling down her cheeks, she whisered....

"You have your forever Mac. This is forever, spending the rest of my life wrapped within your love."

The End
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Thanks again for all the wonderful FB. SMACked just makes it to easy. I guess that's what happenes when sparks fly everytime they are together.:lol:
:eek::eek:Woah!! I love it:thumbsup::thumbsup::drool::drool:.
I also wish it had ended like that:lol:.
Ah.. Just came back from my *day dream of Mac and Stella*. I really hate the end of Snow Day. But i like the part in the office where he drags her. That was so close! :(. That "SHE" leaves Mac inside the building alone. Mac was lucky to have Stella to fight the terrorists with him. :D I love the hug part.. That was my favourite. I hope it last forever but *someone* spoils it. :lol:. Thank you!! Linda.. You're such a sweetie. I can't wait for more from you..:drool: