I think my request may have been missed... Not sure so maybe I'll post it again... If anyone would be able to, I'd love an animated banner please, with the text "Sexy Stokes" and some hearts... Please. Here are a few pics, but you don't have to use them all. Style is up to you.
Sorry Steph - I saw it but I have had a fever and a throat infection since Saturday and have not felt up to making too much stuff this week. I am glad to see Nat is doing it for you. I am sure Nat will do a great job!
I used the banner you have now because I know you love it But I forgot the hearts *blushes* And I posted in the wrong thread first :lol: But Kat's not the only ill one so I can blame it on that right?!?!?
^ Awww, I hope you're feeling better real soon!! Oh my, don't worry about forgetting the hearts, I am in love with it!! *Drools* Thank you soooooo much!! *Big Hugs*
Wow that banner is great Kat, well done, you know I always love your stuff, and it just keeps getting better and better. *Runs over and hugs Kat* Glad your getting better.