Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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CSIFan86 said:
I just made this. ;)

How do I make the image show up? It only shows the link with the [image] thing showing up to. How do I fix that?

Hi Summer, welcome to the Art Forum! :)

About the banner size in your sig check out the pm I sent you, now on to your question:

you need 100 posts before you can make the image show up in your posts, till then you have to use the URL.
But no worries, you'll get there faster than you think. ;)
Sarasidle13, welcome aboard! But now: stoooop! ;)

Please refrain from, uhm, double and triple-posting, cause it can be considered as spamming which can carry a warning. Please use the 'Edit' function rather than submitting a new post. The current editing time allowance is approximately 24 hours from when your post was entered. After this time, you will no longer be able to edit your post. (quote stolen from Lucy :D ) For more informations please check out our Board Rules and the FAQ.
Further more please add some more content to your posts for the same reason, alright? :) If you have any further questions don't hesitate to pm either Wyoming or myself, we'll be glad to help.
On to your question: a signature banner should not exceed the maximum size of 220x75px, please first fit your banner to this size, then go to photobucket or imageshack where you can upload your banner. Afterwards, go to 'My Home', scroll down to 'Personal Information etc.' click on 'Edit'. Scroll down again till you see the box with the header 'Signature' and insert the IMG-Code for the banner. Click on 'Submit' at the bottom of the page and your banner should show up.
I made six banners of 'Bang Bang, Your Debt'
Please credit if using. :)



Elsie, those Flack banners are wonderful. Just terrific. I may have snagged a couple, and if used, will credit.

Same with you, DragonFly Dreamer. You are all so talented.
Hey everyone , I was just wondering could anyone make me a Mac/Stella banner please ,I don't mind what pictures are used or how it looks :) can it say 'smacked' on it though.

thanks anyway

Hi...I'm real bad with technology (trust me here) and was a wondering if someone could make me a banner...

I'm a SMacker if that helps ;) and I don't mind what it looks like


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