Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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I have been in a CatNip mood lately ;) so I made 3 banners.




oh and great banners Need4Speed, cinegirl, Hip_hugga_lovah, DD, Speedle and gsrLOVE
anyone else i missed? :lol:
could someone help me i really computer illiterate would someone make me a banner with speed,danny,ryan,eric,flack.horatio,and mac please nothing fancy just something with all of them on its cause they are all sexy beast
cathwillows, I snagged your catnip banner, I will credit when use.

Anyone make me animated banner, I will appreciate it. I will credit when use.

Can you put My Multi-shippers first then Snickers, GSR, Grillows and Greg/Sofia. I can't find the picture of Warrick/Mia, Hodges/Wendy and Henry/Mandy, if you can find the picture of them. I already got the other picture of Snickers, GSR, Grllows and Greg/Sofia. I don't have the picture of Warrick/Mia, Hodges/Wendy and Henry/Mandy, if you can't find it, that's okay.

Snickers Can you put "Lovely Snickers."
GSR Can you put "Lovely GSR."
Grillows Can you put "Lovely Grillows."
Catnip Can you put "Lovely Catnip." I want the bottom one, not the top one, just the bottom.
Greg/Sofia Can you put "Lovely Greg/Sofia." Can you take the man out?

I will credit you when use. I really apprciate it.
Hey, great banners guys.

I got really bored and decided to make a banner. It's not the size of a sig banner, but I didn't really know where else to put it.

Man can music ever change the way my art turns out.

Yay Hodges
That's awesome, SamStokes! It's an awesome banner, plus it's just even awesomer because it's Snickers. :D Nice job!
I just have to say you guys are SO talented!

I was wondering if you guys would like to take a shot at making me a few banners..
One I would like to have these two pictures:
And I would like it to say "Big Day Coming Up"

The other one I would like to be a moving slideshow thing that has some/all of the following pictures:
More CaRWash
If that one could say "Workin' at the CaRWash" somewhere in it, that would be great! Thanks in advance!
hiya!! Would one of u lovely Banner makers possibly make me an animated banner from Snow day? with Danny n Lindsay??!

would be very much grateful! hehe :D thanks! Bug hugz XXXXX
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