Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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R_wolfe_is_OMG said:
I STLL can't figure out how to just post the picture! It outsmarts me everytime. I've tried everything! *gives pitiful face* HELP

Assuming you are talking about posting the actual pic in your post rather than the link, you need to put it in
Oh, great work was done in here! Ann, fantastic banners, you've been busy! :)
allstar :p :D (I know ;) )
UnspokenHope - yummy!! Please make some more CaRWash-Hotness, I like it! :D
Same to you R_wolfe_is_OMG! Wonderful banner, and good animation - make more! *starts to chase everybody :devil: *
Love the banners.

R_wolfe_is_OMG, the animated banner is love. Good job.
Vera, love your banners, especially the lightstrocks.
Ann, your banners are very pretty.
Thanks everyone, they are a bit cute, but hey, it's nearly valentines so...:lol:

Glad you like softcake, use away....
I loved the HEROES NEVER DIE one! I'm going to snatch it! Wonderful, SpeedDemon! *snatches and promises to one day use...with permission* :)
Great job!
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