Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

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Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Whoa, the results are already up!
Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone who participated: great banners, guys!

Haha, Steffi! Last time a strike in the beginners section and now TWO banners that placed in advanced: and you were afraid to go down! *slaps head* :D

Sarah, thank you for running this challenge, and no worries: in the beginning it's always confusing with all the entries and the votes, you did great! And you know: the more often you do it, the smoother it will work, so I'd be very glad if you could step in another round with running the challenge - let me know ;)
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Wow! First and second place in advanced! I never imagined that happening!
Thanks to everyone who voted for me! And for nice comments on my banners!
Congrats to the other winners! Especially cathwillows – Greg one is so good!
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Congrats to all the winners!!!
Great, great job! ;)
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Congratulations to the winners..!
Great work everyone!
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Thanks so much everyone! To be honest... I really didn't like that banner :lol: Wasn't at all satisfied with it... so it just means that much more that y'all liked it.

Congrats to all the other winners! You did excellent work.

And I don't remember seeing this anywhere... is it possible to get a banner? Who do I need to ask?
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

congrats to everyone! When's the next competition going to be up??
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

New Challenge will be up sometime today! Sorry guys, I'm getting the last details together :)
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Here's your next challenge! :)
Challenge #16

The CSIs work very closely together so obviously they are great friends. This is the focus of the challenge...

Provided Caps-Friends

The Rules:

1. 220x75 size please! If they arent that size, I will resize them but I really dont want to do that
2. You can submit 1-3 banners
3. No animations allowed
4. Don't post them here, pm me ILuvJonathanTogo with both the image and the link if possible (for those with less than 100 posts, only the URL is A-OK!)
5. Please title your pm as SBC #16 or similar and tell me whether you will be in Advanced or Beginners - if you are not sure, please read the guidelines because I won't decide for you.

6. Please submit by 11:59 pm board time on Tuesday July 24th. ETA:(board time = british GMT)
If thats too soon, just let me know and I'll extend it a little.
7. And although you all know this, no vulgar language allowed!

Most importantly: Be creative and Have fun!

Anyone can enter, of course. If you have never entered before, give it a shot! It's just for fun and it's a great way to practice banner making. :)

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9
Picture 10
Picture 11
Picture 12
Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!!

Great.. I was waiting for it,I'm in for this one!
I've a question it's a necessary to give a friends focus or can be of friends and something more..?
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