Shows you like more than CSI?

For me, there's nothing better than CSI, but in second place I will put House, Scrubs and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition...I gotta love Ty Pennington, he is such a nice guy.
There are no shows I like better than CSI:Miami. But right after them and Vegas and New York, I like NCIS, 24, Invasion, Lost, Trauma:Life in the ER, and Two and a Half Men.
The only other shows I watch regularly are Supernatural, Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, and some Home and Garden stuff.

Since 1996 (when it first appeared here). I know it's lame nowadays but nothing, I mean NOTHING comes between me and ER.

then comes CSIs :D
CSI shares a first place with Buffy and Angel, I was real Buffy fanatic and I guess on some level I will always remain one. I don't think I can choose between the 3 shows so there is nothing I like better then CSI just two shows I love just as much. Oh, and Friends, gotta love Friends. I put that in second place.
Hmm that would be a hard one. Hmm well I would have to say that CSI and House are tied for first at the top of my list which is cool because they are on different nights. Following that would be shows like Dirty Jobs, Planet's Funniest Animals, Lost, Bones, on and on and on. (No particular order to the one's after CSI and House.)
Yeeha-yippie-yay ranma! I like tha X-Files too. :D

<<< He's mine. :)

But since X-Files has been long gone, there aren't any other tv shows I like more than CSI. Long live CSI. :)
LOL, good question, but the answer is obvious: there are no any shows I like better than CSI.
I really love 7th heaven and Friends, but not better than CSI!
Cuz that doesn't have equal in the world! ^^